In the Adirondack Mountains, Storm and Nightcrawler arrive at a meeting place selected by Wolverine, who arrives as well. He tells them that he wants to see what the younger, more inexperienced members are made of, so he's been setting up special trials for them, starting with Colossus. Storm, figuring out that Logan has set it up so that Colossus will fight the Hulk, asks if this is a wise idea. Logan explains that it's more real than the Danger Room at Xavier's Mansion and that he thinks both combatants will most likely be in no danger of harming each other, as Colossus' armor is practically impenetrable and the Hulk is, well, the Hulk. Nightcrawler remarks that he's more worried that Colossus will harm Hulk, and Wolverine takes him on that bet, as he knows how powerful and strong the Hulk is, having fought the creature before.
Info édition : Part of this issue is a reprint from : The X-Men (Marvel, 1963 series) #66 - "The Mutants and the Monster"