Ned Leeds is chasing the story of his career! The Daily Bugle's ace reporter uncovers evidence that a notorious cold war spy has resurfaced in divided Germany! After convincing Jonah to spring for the trip, Ned and Peter Parker fly to West Berlin to start their investigation!
The infamous KGB operative (aka Charlemagne) is a long-time friend and associate of Wolverine! And when Logan hears that she's back in business, the Adamantium-laced X-Man likewise travels to Germany to find her!
Sadly the Bugle-sponsored business trip turns tragic when Peter discovers Ned murdered in their hotel. Oh no, who killed Betty's husband? The Amazing Spider-Man invades East Berlin and teams up with Wolverine to unearth the truth! But the web-slinger's noble intentions lead him into a clandestine world of grisly violence and repulsive death!
Is Wolverine going to help the wall-crawler cope with tragedy...or just add to his misery? An intense issue from start to finish!