Info édition : Contient: "Nelle Mani di Kraven" (Spider-Man / In the Hands of the Hunter - Amazing Spider-Man, 47 - 04/1967), "Sulle Tracce dello Stupefacente Uomo Ragno" (Giant-Man / On the Trail of the Amazing Spider-Man - Tales to Astonish, 57 - 07/1964) et "Il Dilemma del Discepolo del Demonio" (Doctor Strange / The Demon's Disciple - Strange Tales, 128 - 01/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "Il Nuovo Avvoltoio" (Spider-Man / The Wings of the Vulture - Amazing Spider-Man, 48 - 05/1967), "L'Arrivo di Colossus" (Giant-Man / The Coming of Colossus - Tales to Astonish, 58 - 08/1964) et "Tiboro, Tiranno della Sesta Dimensione" (Doctor Strange / Beware Tiboro, the Tyrant of the Sixth Dimension - Strange Tales, 129 - 02/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "Due per la Vita" (Spider-Man / From the Depths of Defeat - Amazing Spider-Man, 49 - 06/1967), "Ecco Hulk" (Giant-Man / Enter the Hulk - Tales to Astonish, 59 - 09/1964) et "La Sconfitta del Dottor Strange" (Doctor Strange / The Defeat of Doctor Strange - Strange Tales, 130 - 03/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "Il Segno del Destino" (Spider-Man / Spider-Man no More - Amazing Spider-Man, 50 - 07/1967), "La Bestia di Berlino" (Giant-Man / The Beasts of Berlin - Tales to Astonish, 60 - 10/1964), "Conosciamo Qualcosa di Hank e Jan" (Giant-Man / Let's Learn About Hank and Jean - Tales to Astonish, 59 - 09/1964) et "Il Cacciato e il Cacciatore" (Doctor Strange / The Hunter and the Hunted - Strange Tales, 131 - 04/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "X-Men" (X-Men / Along came a Spider - X-Men, 35 - 08/1967), "Ora cammina l'Androide" (Giant-Man / Now walks the Android - Tales to Astonish, 61 - 11/1964) et "Finalmente faccia a faccia col Barone Mordo" (Doctor Strange / Face to face at last with Baron Mordo - Strange Tales, 132 - 05/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "Kingpin" (Spider-Man / In the Clutches of the Kingpin - Amazing Spider-Man, 51 - 08/1967), "Giant-Man contro Wasp" (Giant-Man / Giant-Man vs the Wonderful Wasp - Tales to Astonish, 62 - 12/1964), "I Racconti di Wasp: Una Voce nel Buio" (Wasp Tales / A Voice in the Dark - Tales to Astonish, 57 - 07/1964) et "Terra senza Nome, Terra senza Tempo" (Doctor Strange / A Nameless Land, a Timeless Land - Strange Tales, 133 - 06/1965=
Info édition : Contient: "Un Uomo allo Stremo" (Spider-Man / To die a Hero - Amazing Spider-Man, 52 - 09/1967), "Il Bandito e il Gigante" (Giant-Man / The Gangsters and the Giant - Tales to Astonish, 63 - 01/1965), "I RACCONTI DI WASP / La Storia del Mago" (Wasp Tales / The Magician and the Maiden - Tales to Astonish, 58 - 08/1964) et "La Terra sia il mio Campo di Battaglia" (Doctor Strange / Heart be my Battleground - Strange Tales, 134 - 07/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "La Sfida di Octopus" (Spider-Man / Enter: Dr. Octopus - Amazing Spider-Man, 53 - 10/1967), "Quando Attuma colpisce" (Giant-Man / When Atuma strikes - Tales to Astonish, 64 - 02/1965) et "Il Richiamo di Eternità" (Doctor Strange / Eternity Beckons - Strange Tales, 135 - 08/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "Trappola Tentacolare" (Spider-Man / The Tentacles and the Trap - Amazing Spider-Man, 54 -11/1967), "Presentiamo il Nuovo Giant-Man" (Giant-Man / The New Giant-Man - Tales to Astonish, 65 - 03/1965) et "Che cosa si cela sotto la Maschera?" (Doctor Strange / What lurks beneath the Mask? - Strange Tales, 136 - 09/1965)
Info édition : Contient: "La Disfatta di Octopus" (Spider-Man / Dock Ock wins - Amazing Spider-Man, 55 - 12/1967) et "Il Disastro" (Spider-Man / Disaster - Amazing Spider-Man, 56 - 01/1968)