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© Editoriale Corno - 1981

Il s'agit ici de la série The Amazing Spider-Man Vol.1 de Marvel en italien par Editoriale Corno, éditeur italien de bande dessinée, célèbre pour avoir introduit et rendu populaire en Italie les personnages de Marvel Comics et pour avoir créé des personnages originaux comme Kriminal, Satanik et Alan Ford.
Les albums contiennent en seconde partie les aventures d'autres héros Marvel comme Doctor Strange, Iron Man, Hulk, etc. 283 numéros pour cette série.

Une sélection de séries à lire si vous avez aimé L'uomo Ragno Vl. 1 (Editoriale Corno - 1970) :

Détail des albums de la série

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    1 . L'Uomo Ragno

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    Note: 5.0/5 (1 vote)

    Info édition : Contient: "L'Uomo Ragno" (Spider-Man - Amazing Fantasy, 15 - 08/1962), "L'Uomo Ragno" (Spider-Man - Amazing Spider-Man, 1 - 03/1963), "L'Uomo Ragno contro il Camaleonte" (Spider-Man vs the Chameleon - Amazing Spider-Man, 1 - 03/1963) et "Dottor Strange (Parte I)" (The Coming of Doctor Strange - Doctor Strange, 169 - 06/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    2 . L'Avvoltoio / Il terribile Riparatore

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    Info édition : Contient Duello all'ultimo Sangue contro l'Avvoltoio / 14 p (Spider-Man / Duel to the death with the Vulture - Amazing Spider-Man, 2 - 05/1963), La Minaccia del terribile Riparatore / 10 p (Spider-Man / The uncanny threat of the terrible Tinkerer - Amazing Spider-Man, 2 - 05/1963), Dottor Strange (Parte II) / 07 p (Doctor Strange / The Coming of Doctor Strange - Doctor Strange, 169 - 06/1968) et Sognare, forse Morire (Parte I) / 16 p (Doctor Strange / To Dream perchance To Die - Doctor Strange, […]

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    3 . Lo strano Dr Octopus

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    Info édition : Contient Lo strano Dr Octopus / 21 p (Spider-Man / Spider-Man versus Doctor Octopus - Amazing Spider-Man, 3 - 07/1963), Sognare, forse Morire (Parte II) / 04 p (Doctor Strange / To Dream perchance To Die - Doctor Strange, 170 - 07/1968) et Nell'Ombra della Morte / 20 p (Doctor Strange / In the Shadow of Death - Doctor Strange, 171 - 08/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    4 . L'Inarrestabile Uomo Sabbia

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    Info édition : Contient L'Inarrestabile Uomo Sabbia / 21 p (Spider-Man / Nothing can stop the Sandman - Amazing Spider-Man, 4 - 09/1963), Io, Dormammu / 20 p (Doctor Strange / I, Dormammu - Doctor Strange, 172 - 09/1968) et La Barriera dell'Ignoto (Parte I) / 06 p (Doctor Strange / While a World waits - Doctor Strange, 173 - 10/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    5 . Il Dottor Destino

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    Info édition : Contient Il Dottor Destino / 21 p (Spider-Man / Marked for destruction by Doctor Doom - Amazing Spider-Man, 5 - 10/1963), I Segreti de l'Uomo Ragno / 09 p (Spider-Man / The Secrets of Spider-Man - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 1 - 1964), Come Stan Lee e Steve Ditko crearono l'Uomo Ragno / 03 p (How Stan Lee and Steve Ditko create Spider-Man - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 1 - 1964) et La Barriera dell'Ignoto (Parte II) / 14 p (Doctor Strange / While a World waits - Doctor Strange, 173 - 10/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    6 . Il Mistero di Lizard

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    Info édition : Contient Il Mistero di Lizard / 21 p (Spider-Man / Face to face with the Lizard - Amazing Spider-Man, 6 - 11/1963), Il Potere e il Pendolo / 20 p (Doctor Strange / The Power and the Pendulum - Doctor Strange, 174 - 11/1968) et Tra Noi, i Figli di Satannish (Parte I) / 04 p (Doctor Strange / Unto us the Sons of Satannish - Doctor Strange, 175 - 12/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    7 . Il Ritorno dell'Avvoltoio

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    Info édition : Contient Il Ritorno dell'Avvoltoio / 21 p (Spider-Man / The Return of the Vulture - Amazing Spider-Man, 7 - 12/1963), Lo Strano Mondo del Dr Strange / 20 p (Spider-Man / The Wondrous World of Doctor Strange - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 2 - 1965) et Tra Noi, i Figli di Satannish (Parte II) / 04 p (Doctor Strange / Unto us the Sons of Satannish - Doctor Strange, 175 - 12/1968)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Kirby, Jack

    8 . Il Cervello Vivente

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    Info édition : Contient Il Cervello Vivente / 17 p (Spider-Man / The Terrible Threat of the Living Brain - Amazing Spider-Man, 8 - 01/1964), L'Uomo Ragno attacca la Torcia Umana / 06 p (Spider-Man / Spider-Man tackles the Torch - Amazing Spider-Man, 8 - 01/1964), Tra Noi, i Figli di Satannish (Parte III) / 13 p (Doctor Strange / Unto us the Sons of Satannish - Doctor Strange, 175 - 12/1968) et Vita o Morte? (Parte I) / 09 p (Doctor Strange / O Grave where is thy Victory? - Doctor Strange, 176 - 01/1969)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Lee, Stan/Ditko

    9 . Un Uomo chiamato Electro!

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    Info édition : Contient: Un Uomo chiamato Electro / 22 p (Spider-Man / The Man called Electro - Amazing Spider-Man, 9 - 02/1964), I Duri / 22 p (Spider-Man / The Enforcers - Amazing Spider-Man, 10 - 03/1964) et Vita o Morte? (Parte II) / 03 p (Doctor Strange / O Grave where is thy Victory? - Doctor Strange, 176 - 01/1969)

  • ©Editoriale Corno 1970 Thomas/Colan, Gene

    10 . La Minaccia del Dr Octopus!

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    Info édition : Contient: La Minaccia del Dr Octopus / 21 p (Spider-Man / Turning Point - Amazing Spider-Man, 11 - 04/1964), Smascherato dal Dr Octopus / 22 p (Spider-Man / Unmasked by Dr Octopus - Amazing Spider-Man, 12 - 05/1964) et Vita o Morte? (Parte III) / 04 p (Doctor Strange / O Grave where is thy Victory? - Doctor Strange, 176 - 01/196)