Info édition : Contient: "C'era una volta un Robot" (Spider-Man / Once upon a Time, there was a Robot - Amazing Spider-Man, 37 - 06/1966), "Trago! L'Uomo con la Tromba Magica" (Ant-Man / Music to scream by - Tales to Astonish, 47 - 09/1963) et "Ant-Man e Wasp sfidano il Porcospino" (Ant-Man / Ant-Man and the Wasp defy the Porcupine - Tales to Astonish, 48 - 10/1963)
Info édition : Contient: "Un Tipo di nome Joe" (Spider-Man / Just a Guy named Joe - Amazing Spider-Man, 38 - 07/1966), "La Nascita di Giant-Man" (Ant-Man / The Birth of Giant-Man - Tales to Astonish, 49 - 11/1963) et "La Casa delle Ombre" (Doctor Strange / The House of Shadows - Strange Tales, 120 - 05/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Il vero Volto di Goblin" (Spider-Man / How Green was my Goblin - Amazing Spider-Man, 39 - 08/1966), une histoire sans titre (Spider-Man / Spidey saves the Day - Amazing Spider-Man, 40 - 09/1966) et "I Racconti di Wasp: Il Colosso di Pietra" (Wasp Tales / When wakes the Colossus - Tales to Astonish, 53 - 03/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Le Corna di Rhino" (Spider-Man / The Horns of Rhino - Amazing Spider-Man, 41 - 10/1966), "Giant-Man e Wasp contro il Ciclone Umano" (Giant-Man / The Human Top - Tales to Astonish, 50 - 12/1963), "I Racconti di Wasp: Conquest" (Wasp Tales / Conquest - Tales to Astonish, 54 - 04/1964) et "Incantesimo al Wax Museum" (Doctor Strange / Witchcraft in the Wax Museum - Strange Tales, 121 - 06/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "La Nascita di un Super-Eroe" (Spider-Man / The Birth of a Super-Hero - Amazing Spider-Man, 42 - 11/1966), "Deciso contro il Ciclone Umano" (Giant-Man / Snowdown with the Human Top - Tales to Astonish, 51 - 01/1964), "I Racconti di Wasp: Il Segreto dello Zingaro" (Wasp Tales / The Gypsy's Secret - Tales to Astonish, 55 - 05/1964) et "Il Mondo al di lа" (Doctor Strange / The World beyond - Strange Tales, 122 - 07/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Diventare un Vendicatore" (Spider-Man / To become an Avenger - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 3 - 11/1966), "Il Cavaliere Nero" (Giant-Man / The Black Knight strikes - Tales to Astonish, 52 - 02/1964) et "La Sfida di Loki" (Doctor Strange / The Challenge of Loki - Strange Tales, 123 - 08/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Rhino alla Riscossa" (Spider-Man / Rhino on a Rampage - Amazing Spider-Man, 43 - 12/1966), "Intrappolati dal Porcospino" (Giant-Man / Trapped by the Porcupine - Tales to Astonish, 53 - 03/1964) et "Il Mistero della Donna venuta dal Nulla" (Doctor Strange / The Lady from Nowhere - Strange Tales, 124 - 09/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Riappare Lizard" (Spider-Man / Where crawls the Lizard - Amazing Spider-Man, 44 - 01/1967), "El Toro" (Giant-Man / No Place to hide - Tales to Astonish, 54 - 04/1964), "I Racconti di Wasp: Attenzione alla Bestia" (Wasp Tales / Beware the Bog Beast - Tales to Astonish, 56 - 06/1964) et "Mordo" (Doctor Strange / Mordo must not catch me - Strange Tales, 125 - 10/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "La Fine di un Incubo" (Spider-Man / Spidey smashes out - Amazing Spider-Man, 45 - 02/1967), "Sulla Traccia del Ciclone Umano" (Giant-Man / On the Trail of the Human Top - Tales to Astonish, 55 - 05/1964) et "Un Mondo sospeso a Metà" (Doctor Strange / The Domain of the Dread Dormammu - Strange Tales, 126 - 11/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Il Terribile Shocker" (Spider-Man / The Sinister Shocker - Amazing Spider-Man, 46 - 03/1967), "L'Arrivo del Mago" (Giant-Man / The Coming of the Magician - Tales to Astonish, 56 - 06/1964) et "I Senza Mente" (Doctor Strange / Duel with the Dread Dormammu - Strange Tales, 127 - 12/1964)