Info édition : Contient : Agli Ordini di Kraven (Spider-Man / Tigra, Tigra burning bright - Marvel Team-Up, 67 - 03/1978), Distrutto dal Costrittore (Hulk / Crushed by the Constrictor - Incredible Hulk, 212 - 06/1977), Triangolo, parte I (Iron Man / Triad - Iron Man, 104 - 11/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Cosa della Palude (Spider-Man / The measure of a Man - Marvel Team-Up, 68 - 04/1978), L'Uomo Quintronico (Hulk / You just don't quarrel with the Quintronic Man - Incredible Hulk, 213 - 07/1977), Triangolo, parte II (Iron Man / Triad - Iron Man, 104 - 11/1977), Caccia all'Uomo, parte I (Daredevil / Manhunt - Daredevil, 148 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Notte degli Dei Viventi (Spider-Man / Night of the Living God - Marvel Team-Up, 69 - 05/1978), Il Fante di Cuori si scatena (Hulk / The Jack of Heart is wild - Incredible Hulk, 214 - 08/1977), Caccia all'Uomo, parte II (Daredevil / Manhunt - Daredevil, 148 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Quando gli Dei distruggono (Spider-Man / Whom Gods destroy - Marvel Team-Up, 70 - 06/1978), Tutti contro di Lui (Iron Man / Every Hand against Him - Iron Man, 105 - 12/1977), La Casa del Dolore, parte I (Hulk / Home is where the Heart is - Incredible Hulk, 215 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient La Minaccia del Coleottero / 17 p (Spider-Man / The Beetle and the Badge - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 16 - 03/1978), E Fu la Guerra / 17 p (Iron Man / Then there came a War - Iron Man, 106 - 01/1978) et La Casa del Dolore, parte II / 07 p (Hulk / Home is where the Heart is - Incredible Hulk, 215 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient : L'Ombra Nera (Spider-Man / He Who laughs last - Amazing Spider-Man, 176 - 01/1978), Conto alla Rovescia (Hulk / Countdown to Catastrophe - Incredible Hulk, 216 - 10/1977), La Fine, parte I (Iron Man / And, in the End - Iron Man, 107 - 02/1978)
Info édition : Contient E' tornato Goblin / 17 p (Spider-Man / Goblin in the Middle - Amazing Spider-Man, 177 - 02/1978), Il Circo delle Anime Perdute / 18 p (Hulk / The Circus of Lost Souls - Incredible Hulk, 217 - 11/1977) et La Fine, parte II / 07 p (Iron Man / And, in the End - Iron Man, 107 - 02/1978)
Info édition : Contient : Nelle Spire di Goblin (Spider-Man / Green grows the Goblin - Amazing Spider-Man, 178 - 03/1978), Lo Zampino del Gatto (Daredevil / Catspaw - Daredevil, 149 - 11/1977), Rhino non si Ferma, parte I (Hulk / The Rhino doesn't stop here anymore - Incredible Hulk, 218 - 12/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Vendetta Folle (Spider-Man / The Goblin's always Greener - Amazing Spider-Man, 179 - 04/1978), Catastrofe (Daredevil / Catastrophe - Daredevil, 150 - 01/1978), Rhino non si Ferma, parte II (Hulk / The Rhino doesn't stop here anymore - Incredible Hulk, 218 - 12/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Doppio Goblin (Spider-Man / Who was that Goblin I saw with You? - Amazing Spider-Man, 180 - 05/1978), Dolore (Iron Man / Growing Pains - Iron Man, 108 - 03/1978), Crisi, parte I (Daredevil / Crisis - Daredevil, 151 - 03/1978)