Info édition : Contient : Nessuno ti potrà Salvare (Spider-Man / Not all thy powers can save thee - Marvel Team-Up, 61 - 09/1977), Queen Elizabeth II (Spider-Man / All this and the QE2 - Marvel Team-Up, 62 - 10/1977), Il Cavaliere della Paura e la Figlia della Creazione, parte I (Iron Man / Dreadnight ant the Daughter of Creation - Iron Man, 102 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Chi è l'Uomo chiamato Fotone? (Nova / Who is the Man called Photon? - Nova, 12 - 08/1977), Nova (Spider-Man / Photon is another Name for ... ? - Amazing Spider-Man, 171 - 08/1977), Il Cavaliere della Paura e la Figlia della Creazione, parte II (Iron Man / Dreadnight ant the Daughter of Creation - Iron Man, 102 - 09/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Colpo di Fuoco (Spider-Man / The Fiend from the Fire - Amazing Spider-Man, 172 - 09/1977), Se Non puoi sopportare il Calore (Spider-Man / If You can't stand the Heat - Amazing Spider-Man, 173 - 10/1977), Corsa per il Denaro, parte I (Iron Man / Run for the Money - Iron Man, 103 - 10/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Un Ragno in Trappola (Spider-Man / Spawn of the Spider - Amazing Spider-Man Anual, 11 - 1977), Un Mostro tra Noi, parte I (Hulk / A Monster in our Midst - Incredible Hulk, 208 - 02/1977), Corsa per il Denaro, parte II (Iron Man / Run for the Money - Iron Man, 103 - 10/1977)
Info édition : Contient Una Vita allo Stremo / 17 p (Spider-Man / A Life too Far - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 11 - 10/1977), Caos al Coffee Bean / 06 p (Spider-Man / Caos at the Coffe Bean - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 11 - 1977), A Tutti i Costi / 17 p (Daredevil / Breaking Point - Daredevil, 147 - 07/1977) et Un Mostro tra Noi, parte II / 05 p (Hulk / A Monster in our Midst - Incredible Hulk, 208 - 02/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Il Colpo del Persecutore (Spider-Man / The Hitman's back in Town - Amazing Spider-Man, 174 - 11/1977), Terreno di Battaglia: New York (Spider-Man / Big Apple Battleground - Amazing Spider-Man, 175 - 12/1977), L'Uomo Assorbente, parte I (Hulk / The Absorbing Man is out for Blood - Incredible Hulk, 209 - 03/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Il Potere nelle Mani (Spider-Man / Brother Power, Sister Sun - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 12 - 11/1977), L'Arrivo di Razorback (Spider-Man / The Coming of Razorback - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 13 - 12/1977), L'Uomo Assorbente, parte II (Hulk / The Absorbing Man is out for Blood - Incredible Hulk, 209 - 03/1977), Il Dottor Druido, parte I (Hulk / And call the Doctor Druid - Incredible Hulk, 210 - 04/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Conteggio Finale (Spider-Man / Killing me softly, with his hate - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 14 - 01/1978), Si Scatena la Furia (Spider-Man / The Final Rage - Peter Parker the Spectacular Spider-Man, 15 - 02/1978), Il Dottor Druido, parte II (Hulk / And Call the Doctor Druid - Incredible Hulk, 210 - 04/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Notte del Dragone (Spider-Man / Night of the Dragon - Marvel Team-Up, 63 - 11/1977), Se la Morte è il mio Destino (Spider-Man / If Death be my Destiny - Marvel Team-Up, 64 - 12/1977), Hulk e il Mostro, parte I (Hulk / The Monster and the Mystic - Incredible Hulk, 211 - 05/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Capitan Bretagna (Spider-Man / Introducing, Captain Britain - Marvel Team-Up, 65 - 01/1978), Mondo Assassino (Spider-Man / Murder World - Marvel Team-Up, 66 - 02/1978), Hulk e il Mostro, parte II (Hulk / The Monster and the Mystic - Incredible Hulk, 211 - 05/1977)