Info édition : Contient : Panico al Molo Uno (Spider-Man / Panic on Pier One - Marvel Team-Up, 58 - 06/1977), Assalto a Psyklop (Hulk / Assault of Psyklop - Incredible Hulk, 203 - 09/1976), Bersaglio: Morte, parte II (Daredevil / Target: Death! - Daredevil, 141 - 01/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Terrore in Città (Spider-Man / Stegron stalks the City - Amazing Spider-Man, 165 - 02/1977), Circolo Vizioso (Hulk / Vicious Circle - Incredible Hulk, 204 - 10/1976), La Giungla di Cemento, parte I (Daredevil / The Concrete Jungle - Daredevil, 142 - 02/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Guerra degli Uomini Rettile (Spider-Man / War of the Reptile-Men - Amazing Spider-Man, 166 - 03/1977), Non Abbandonatemi (Hulk / Do not forsake me - Incredible Hulk, 205 - 11/1976), La Giungla di Cemento, parte II (Daredevil / The Concrete Jungle - Daredevil, 142 - 02/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Doppia Morsa (Spider-Man / Stalked by the Spider-Slayer - Amazing Spider-Man, 167 - 04/1977), L'Uomo Bruto Impazzito (Hulk / A Man-Brute Berserk - Incredible Hulk, 206 - 12/1976), Cobra, Hyde il Duo diabolico, parte I (Daredevil / "Hyde and go seek" sayeth the Cobra - Daredevil, 143 - 03/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Omicidio al Vento (Spider-Man / Murder on the Wind - Amazing Spider-Man, 168 - 05/1977), Solo contro i Difensori (Hulk / Alone against the Defenders - Incredible Hulk, 207 - 01/1977), Cobra, Hyde il Duo diabolico, parte II (Daredevil / "Hyde and go seek" sayeth the Cobra - Daredevil, 143 - 03/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Le Foto Rivelatrici (Spider-Man / Confrontation - Amazing Spider-Man, 169 - 06/1977), La Follia è nella Mente (Spider-Man / Madness is all in the Mind - Amazing Spider-Man, 170 - 07/1977), Man-Bull significa Strage, parte I (Daredevil / Man-Bull means Mayhem - Daredevil, 144 - 04/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Il Ritorno di Morbius (Spider-Man / The Power to Purge - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 6 - 05/1977), Arriva Morbius (Spider-Man / Cry Mayhem, cry Morbius - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 7 - 06/1977), Man-Bull significa Strage, parte II (Daredevil / Man-Bull means Mayhem - Daredevil, 144 - 04/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Lotta al Vampiro (Spider-Man / And only One shall Survive - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 8 - 07/1977), E Poi venne il Mostro, parte I (Iron Man / Then came the Monster - Iron Man, 101 - 08/1977), Il Pericolo a Cavallo del Vento (Daredevil / Danger rides the bitter Wind - Daredevil, 145 - 05/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Una Tigre nella Rete (Spider-Man / Like a Tiger in the Night - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 9 - 08/1977), Una Tigre in Gabbia (Spider-Man / Tiger in a Web - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 10 - 09/1977), E Poi venne il Mostro, parte II (Iron Man / Then came the Monster - Iron Man, 101 - 08/1977), Duello, parte I (Daredevil / Duel - Daredevil, 146 - 06/1977)
Info édition : Contient : La Morte del Calabrone (Spider-Man / Some say Spidey will die by fire, Some say by Ice - Marvel Team-Up, 59 - 07/1977), Una Questione di Amore e di Morte (Spider-Man / A Matter of Love, and Death - Marvel Team-Up, 60 - 08/1977), Duello, parte II (Daredevil / Duel - Daredevil, 146 - 06/1977)