Info édition : Contient : Pazzia Scatenata (Spider-Man / Madness is all in the Mind - Marvel Team-Up, 49 - 09/1976), Brucia, Eroe, Brucia (Iron Man / Burn, Hero, Burn! - Iron Man, 92 - 11/1976), Daredevil / Mind-Wave and His Fearsome Think Tank - Daredevil, 133 - 05/1976)
Info édition : Contient : Nelle Mani del Fantasma (Spider-Man / The Mystery of the Wraith - Marvel Team-Up, 50 - 10/1976), Kraken Uccide (Iron Man / Kraken kills - Iron Man, 93 - 12/1976), L'Onda Mentale, parte II (Daredevil / Mind-Wave and His Fearsome Think Tank - Daredevil, 133 - 05/1976)
Info édition : Contient : Processo Drammatico (Spider-Man / The Trial of the Wraith - Marvel Team-Up, 51 - 11/1976), Frenesia sotto il Mare (Iron Man / Frenzy at Fifty Fathoms - Iron Man, 94 - 01/1977), Grossi Guai a New York, parte I (Daredevil / There's Trouble in New York City, that's Trouble with a capital "T", which rhymes with "D" that stands for Daredevil - Daredevil, 134 - 06/1976)
Info édition : Contient : L'Auto Assassina (Spider-Man / My Killer, the Car - Amazing Spider-Man, 160 - 09/1976), Grossi Guai a New York, parte II (Daredevil / There's Trouble in New York City, that's Trouble with a capital "T", which rhymes with "D" that stands for Daredevil - Daredevil, 134 - 06/1976), Ultimo (Iron Man / Ultimo - Iron Man, 95 - 02/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Duello all'Ultimo Respiro (Spider-Man / And the Nightcrawler came prowling, prowling - Amazing Spider-Man, 161 - 10/1976), Solo un Amico può Salvarlo (Iron Man / Only a Friend can save Him - Iron Man, 96 - 03/1977), Che Cosa Succede?, parte I (Daredevil / What is happening? - Daredevil, 135 - 07/1976)
Info édition : Contient : Nella Morsa del Crimine (Spider-Man / Let the Punisher fit the Crime - Amazing Spider-Man, 162 - 11/1976), La Fine con il Guardiano (Iron Man / Showdown with the Guardsman - Iron Man, 97 - 04/1977), Che Cosa Succede?, parte II (Daredevil / What is happening? - Daredevil, 135 - 07/1976)
Info édition : Contient : La Mosca Umana (Spider-Man / "Step into my Parlor ..." - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 10 - 1976), Sole Ardente colpisce Ancora, parte I (Iron Man / Sunfire strikes again - Iron Man, 98 - 05/1977)
Info édition : Contient : Il Ritorno di Tarantula (Spider-Man / Twice stings the Tarantula - Peter Parker, the Spectacular Spider-Man, 1 - 12/1976), Sole Ardente colpisce Ancora, parte II (Iron Man / Sunfire strikes again - Iron Man, 98 - 05/1977), Alla Mercè del Mandarino (Iron Man / At the Mercy of the Mandarin - Iron Man, 99 - 06/1977), Impiccagione per un Eroe, parte I (Daredevil / A Hanging for a Hero - Daredevil, 136 - 08/1976)
Info édition : Contient : Il Demone Devastatore (Spider-Man / Danger: Demon on a Rampage - Marvel Team-Up, 52 - 12/1976), Dieci Anelli per Governare (Iron Man / Ten Rings to rule the World - Iron Man, 100 - 07/1977), Impiccagione per un Eroe, parte II (Daredevil / A Hanging for a Hero - Daredevil, 136 - 08/1976)
Info édition : Contient : Tutti gli Uomini di Kingpin (Spider-Man / All the Kingpin's Men - Amazing Spider-Man, 163 - 12/1976), Il Lago della Paura (Hulk / The Lurker beneath Loch Fear - Incredible Hulk, 192 - 10/1975), L'Assassino colpisce due Volte, parte I (Daredevil / The Murder Maze strikes twice - Daredevil, 137 - 09/1976)