Info édition : Contient: L'Atroce Beffa di Goblin / 20 p (Spider-Man / The Man in the Crime-Master's Mask - Amazing Spider-Man, 26 - 07/1965), histoire sans titre de 20 p (Spider-Man / Bring back my Goblin to Me - Amazing Spider-Man, 27 - 08/1965) et I Cavalieri della Notte (Parte II) / 07 p (Doctor Strange / They walk by Night - Doctor Strange, 183 - 11/1969)
Info édition : Contient: L'Agguato di Molten / 20 p (Spider-Man / The Menace of the Molten Man - Amazing Spider-Man, 28 - 09/1965), Il Prologo / 07 p (The Man in the Ant Hill - Tales to Astonish, 27 - 01/1962), Ant-Man / 05 p (Ant-Man / Return of the Ant-Man - Tales to Astonish, 35 - 09/1962), une histoire sans titre de 05 p (Ant-Man / An Army of Ants - Tales to Astonish, 35 - 09/1962), une histoire sans titre de 03 p (Ant-Man / The Ant-Man's Revenge - Tales to Astonish, 35 - 09/1962) et I Cavalieri della Notte […]
Info édition : Contient: Colpo di Coda dello Scorpione / 20 p (Spider-Man / Never step on a Scorpion - Amazing Spider-Man, 29 - 10/1965), Compagno X / 13 p (Ant-Man / The challenge of Comrade X - Tales to Astonish, 36 - 10/1962) et La Trappola del Protettore / 13 p (Ant-Man / Trapped by the Protector - Tales to Astonish, 37 - 11/1962)
Info édition : Contient: Gli Artigli del Gatto / 20 p (Spider-Man / The claws of the Cat - Amazing Spider-Man, 30 - 11/1965), Tradito dalle Formiche / 10 p (Ant-Man / Betrayed by the Ants - Tales to Astonish, 38 - 12/1962), La Vendetta del Coleottero Rosso / 10 p (Ant-Man / The Vengeance of the Scarlet Beetle - Tales to Astonish, 39 - 01/1963) et Dottor Strange, Maestro delle Mistiche Arti / 05 p (Doctor Strange / Doctor Strange, Master of Black Magic - Strange Tales, 110 - 07/1963)
Info édition : Contient: Se e' scritto nel Destino / 20 p (Spider-Man / If this be my Destiny - Amazing Spider-Man, 31 - 12/1965), Ant-Man ha fallito / 10 p (Ant-Man / The Day Ant-Man failed - Tales to Astonish, 40 - 02/1963), Ant-Man Prigioniero / 10 p (Ant-Man / Prisoner of the Slave World - Tales to Astonish, 41 - 03/1963) et Faccia a Faccia col Barone Mordo / 05 p (Doctor Strange / Face to face with the Magic of Baron Mordo - Strange Tales, 111 - 08/1963)
Info édition : Contient: "La Voce della Morte" (Ant-Man / The Voice of Doom - Tales to Astonish, 42 - 04/1963), "Il Ritorno del Barone Mordo" (Doctor Strange / The Return of the Omnipotent Baron Mordo - Strange Tales, 114 - 11/1963) et "Le Origini del Dottor Strange" (Doctor Strange / The Origin of Doctor Strange - Strange Tales, 115 - 12/1963)
Info édition : Contient: "L'Ultimo Capitolo" (Spider-Man / The Final Chapter - Amazing Spider-Man, 33 - 02/1966), "Il Padrone del Tempo" (Ant-Man / The Mad Master of Time - Tales to Astonish, 43 - 05/1963), "Incubo" (Doctor Strange / Return to the Nightmare World - Strange Tales, 116 - 01/1964) et "Il Segreto della Palude" (The Secret of the Swamp - Tales to Astonish, 46 - 08/1963)
Info édition : Contient: "Il Ritorno di Kraven" (Spider-Man / The Thrill of the Hunt - Amazing Spider-Man, 34 - 03/1966), "Le Creature del Cosmo" (Ant-Man / The Creature from Kosmos - Tales to Astonish, 44 - 06/1963) et "Le molte Trappole del Barone Mordo" (Doctor Strange / The many Traps of Baron Mordo - Strange Tales, 117 - 02/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Molten ci riprova" (Spider-Man / The Molten Man regrets - Amazing Spider-Man, 35 - 04/1966), "Le Terribili Trappole di Testa d'Uovo" (Ant-Man / The Terrible Traps of Egghead - Tales to Astonish, 45 - 07/1963), "I Racconti di Wasp: Vi aspetta un Wobbow" (Wasp Tales: Somewhere waits a Wobbow - Tales to Astonish, 51 - 01/1964) et "Indemoniati" (Doctor Strange / The Possessed - Strange Tales, 118 - 03/1964)
Info édition : Contient: "Quando cade una Meteora" (Spider-Man / When falls the Meteor - Amazing Spider-Man, 36 - 05/1966), "Cyclope" (Ant-Man / When Cyclops walks the Earth - Tales to Astonish, 46 - 08/1963), "I Racconti di Wasp: Non come sembrano" (Wasp Tales: Not what they seem - Tales to Astonish, 52 - 02/1964) et "Il Velo Violetto" (Doctor Strange / Beyond the purple Veil - Strange Tales, 119 - 04/1964)