Info édition : Contient : Un Gentiluomo di nome Hulk (Spider-Man / The Gentleman's Name is Hulk-Amazing Spider-Man, 119 - 04/1973), Quando i Demoni gemono (Iron Man / When Demons wail-Iron Man, 42 - 10/1971), Il Dito si contorce (The moving finger writhes-Tower of Shadows, 3 - 01/1970)
Info édition : Contient : La Lotta e la Furia (Spider-Man / The Fight and the Fury-Amazing Spider-Man, 120 - 05/1973), L'Ora del Destino (Iron Man / Doomprayer-Iron Man, 43 - 11/1971), La Spada e gli Stregoni (The Sword and the Sourcerers-Chambers of Darkness, 4 - 04/1970)
Info édition : Contient : Qualcuno deve Morire (Spider-Man / The Night Gwen Stacy died-Amazing Spider-Man, 121 - 06/1973), Iron Man è Nato (Iron Man / Iron Man is Born-Tales of Suspense, 39 - 03/1963), Un Pianto per un Incubo Perduto (Iron Man / Weep for a lost Nightmare-Iron Man, 44 - 01/1972)
Info édition : Contient : L'Ultimo Round di Goblin (Spider-Man / The Goblin's Last Stand-Amazing Spider-Man, 122 - 07/1973), Sotto l'Armatura batte un Cuore (Iron Man / Beneath the Armor beats a Heart-Iron Man, 45 - 03/1972), Gli Studenti e Guardsman (Iron Man / Beneath the Armor beats a Heart-Iron Man, 45 - 03/1972), Solo una Rosa (Only a Rose-Spellbound, 16 - 08/1953)
Info édition : Contient : Un Uomo chiamato Luke (Spider-Man / Just a Man called Cage-Amazing Spider-Man, 123 - 08/1973), La Minaccia incombe (Iron Man / Menace at Large-Iron Man, 46 - 05/1972), Ti leggo nei Pensieri (I can hear You Think-Mystic, 41 - 11/1955)
Info édition : Contient : Il Segno dell'Uomo Lupo (Spider-Man / The Mark of the Man-Wolf-Amazing Spider-Man, 124 - 09/1973), Perchè deve esistere un Iron Man? (Iron Man / Why must there be an Iron Man?-Iron Man, 47 - 06/1972), Il Licantropo (Werewolf-Menace, 3 - 05/1953)
Info édition : Contient : Caccia al Lupo (Spider-Man / Wolfhunt-Amazing Spider-Man, 125 - 10/1973), La Furia e l'Inferno (Iron Man / The Fury and the Inferno-Iron Man, 48 - 07/1972), Il Cimitero degli Elefanti (The Hidden Graveyard-Uncanny Tales, 23 - 08/1954)
Info édition : Contient : Il Ritorno di Kangaroo (Spider-Man / The Kangaroo bounces back-Amazing Spider-Man, 126 - 11/1973), L'Adattoide Striscia (Iron Man / And in the Shadows there lurks the Adaptoid-Iron Man, 49 - 08/1972), Un piccolo Indiano (One Little Indian-Tower of Shadows, 4 - 03/1970)
Info édition : Contient : L'Ala della Morte (Spider-Man / The Dark Wings of Death-Amazing Spider-Man, 127 - 12/1973), Il Sipario si alza sul Gioco della Morte (Iron Man / Deathplay-Iron Man, 50 - 09/1972), Farli sempre Ridere (Always leave'em laughing-Chamber of Darkness, 1 - 10/1969)
Info édition : Contient : L'Ombra dell'Avvoltoio (Spider-Man / The Vulture hangs high-Amazing Spider-Man, 128 - 01/1974), Ed Ecco Cyborg (Iron Man / Now strikes the Cyborg Sinister-Iron Man, 51 - 10/1972), La Grande Storia (The Big Story-Adventures into Terror, 27 - 01/1954)