Info édition : Contient: La Sfida di Mysterio / 22 p (Spider-Man / The Menace of Mysterio - Amazing Spider-Man, 13 - 06/1964), Vita o Morte? (Parte IV) / 03 p (Doctor Strange / O Grave where is thy Victory? - Doctor Strange, 176 - 01/1969) et Nei Meandri della Psiche / 20 p (Doctor Strange / The Cult and the Curse - Doctor Strange, 177 - 02/1969)
Info édition : Contient: Goblin il Maligno / 22 p (Spider-Man / The Grotesque Adventure of the Green Goblin - Amazing Spider-Man, 14 - 07/1964), Kraven il Cacciatore / 22 p (Spider-Man / Kraven the Hunter - Amazing Spider-Man, 15 - 08/1964) et Sovrapposizione (Parte I) / 03 p (Doctor Strange / With One beside Him - Doctor Strange, 178 - 03/1969)
Info édition : Contient: In Lotta contro Devil / 22 p (Spider-Man / Duel with Daredevil - Amazing Spider-Man, 16 - 09/1964), Il Ritorno di Goblin / 22 p (Spider-Man / The Return of the Green Goblin - Amazing Spider-Man, 17 - 10/1964) et Sovrapposizione (Parte II) / 03 p (Doctor Strange / With one Side beside him - Doctor Strange, 178 - 03/1969)
Info édition : Contient: I Sinistri Sei / 41 p (Spider-Man / The Sinister Six - Amazing Spider-Man Annual, 1 - 1964) et Sovrapposizione (Parte III) / 05 p (Doctor Strange / With one Side beside him - Doctor Strange, 178 - 03/1969)
Info édition : Contient: La Fine dell'Uomo Ragno / 22 p (Spider-Man / The End of Spider-Man - Amazing Spider-Man, 18 - 11/1964), Sulla Pista dell'Uomo Ragno / 18 p (Human Torch / On the Trail of the Amazing Spider-Man - Strange Tales Annual, 2 - 1963) et Sovrapposizione (Parte IV) / 07 p (Doctor Strange / With one Side beside him - Doctor Strange, 178 - Marvel, 1968 - 1/1 - 03/1969)
Info édition : Contient: Ritorno all'Attacco / 22 p (Spider-Man / Spidey strikes back - Amazing Spider-Man, 19 - 12/1964), Sovrapposizione (Parte V) / 02 p (Doctor Strange / With one Side beside him - Doctor Strange, 178 - 03/1969) et Il Mondo finirà fra le Fiamme oppure nel Ghiaccio / 20 p (Avengers / Some say the World will end in Fire, Some say in Ice - Avengers, 61 - 02/1969)
Info édition : Contient: Lo Scorpione / 20 p (Spider-Man / The Coming of the Scorpion - Amazing Spider-Man, 20 - 01/1965), Lo Scarabeo / 20 p (Spider-Man / Where flies the Beetle - Amazing Spider-Man, 21 - 02/1965) et Eternità (Parte I) / 07 p (Doctor Strange / Eternity, Eternity - Doctor Strange, 180 - 05/1969)
Info édition : Contient: "La Minaccia in Agguato" (The Clown and his Masters of Menace - Amazing Spider-Man, 22 - 03/1965), "Eternità (Parte II)" (Eternity, Eternity/Doctor Strange, 180 - 05/1969) et "Se un Mondo dovesse morire prima che io mi svegli (Parte I)" (If a World shoul die before I wake/Doctor Strange, 181 - 07/1969)
Info édition : Contient: L'Uomo Ragno è Impazzito / 20 p (Spider-Man / Spider-Man goes Mad - Amazing Spider-Man, 24 - 05/1965), Catturato da J.Jonah Jameson / 20 p (Spider-Man / Captured by J. Jonah Jameson - Amazing Spider-Man, 25 - 06/1965) et I Cavalieri della Notte (Parte I) / 06 p (Doctor Strange / They walk by Night - Doctor Strange, 183 - 11/1969)