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© DC Comics - 2006

DC’s Secret Files and Origins books tend to shed light on behind-the-scenes events and little known facts surrounding their subjects. In this case, a book-length story and several “Who’s Who” profile pages fill in gaps for Infinite Crisis, the Universe-changing sequel to Crisis on Infinite Earths. Reaching back into the beginnings of DC history, the main players in Infinite Crisis are the Superman and Lois Lane of Earth-2, Alex Luthor of Earth-3, and the Superboy of Earth Prime.

The featured story is “Heaven,” a multi-part tale by Marv Wolfman (writer of the original Crisis on Infinite Earths). The story spotlights each main character, allowing them to develop and reveal their present thoughts and motivations. “Heaven” also explains where these characters have been since they survived the first Crisis, and sets the stage for the final issues of Infinite Crisis.

Détail des albums de la série