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© Marvel Comics - 2008

French superstar writer, Denis Bajram, delivers a story of cosmic proportions in the sci-fi epic that took Europe by storm--Universal War One #1 (of 3)! Paul Benjamin (Marvel Adventures Hulk) adapts this international best-seller, as, nearly 100 years in the future, the many planets of the solar system find themselves caught in the middle of a civil war. In the midst of everything a gigantic black wall separates the solar system in two, absorbing all light and matter! The universe’s last hope is a band of soldiers facing court martial. They are the men and women of the Purgatory Squadron! Their mission: investigate the mysterious black wall, save the universe, and try not to die in the process!

Universal War One, one of the first of many books Marvel is proud to publish in collaboration with acclaimed French comic publisher Soleil. Marvel President of Publishing, Dan Buckley, states, “Marvel's proud to bring Soleil's innovative stories to new audiences. These books represent some of the world's top talent telling cutting-edge stories in a variety of genres, demonstrating the power of the comic medium."

With all of the releases from Marvel/Soleil sold out at Diamond thus far, retailers are urged to check their orders on Universal War One and other upcoming Soleil releases. What is the black wall? For what reasons are the members of the Purgatory Squadron being court marshaled? Will they be able to work together as a team and save the day? Find out the answers to these questions and prepare yourself for the space epic of the century in Universal War One #1!

Une sélection de séries à lire si vous avez aimé Universal War One (en anglais) :

Détail des albums de la série