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Titre Fenetre
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  • Se souvenir de moi
J'ai oublié mon mot de passe
© New Holland Publishing - 2007

George W Bush mistook Slovakia for Slovenia, thought the inhabitants of Greece were called Greekians and didn’t know the name of Pakistan’s Prime Minister. And to him Bin Laden was probably an East-German car brand. Nevertheless, as months went by, he made a lot of progress in geopolitics, realising for instance that the Afghan mountains were packed with people like him, therefore he wasn’t the only religious fundamentalist on Earth. Of course, after eight years in power, he still has trouble distinguishing a Shiite from a Sunni, a Kurd or even a European. However, what he does now know is that on other side of the Atlantic Ocean, on the right hand side of Britain, lies an Old Continent, full of pacifist beatniks who speak several languages and who have all abolished the death penalty. In other words: true savages. He can still hardly tell the difference between a nice little morning breeze and a devastating hurricane and doesn’t know what a weapon of mass destruction really looks like, but he’s eager to fill the gaps in his general knowledge during his third term. What?? He can’t run for a third term?? What a pity.. In the George W Bush Years cartoonist Nicholas Vadot has drawn his take on George Dubbya in a series of hilarious cartoons that track the years of one of the most controversial American presidents ever.

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