Info édition : Contient: - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 01 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (1): choc" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 01 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 1 of 12: Shock" 12/2005). - Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 19 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (2)" (Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 19 " The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 2 of 12: Denial" 12/2005). - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 525 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (3): colère" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 525 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 3 of […]
Info édition : Contient: - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 02 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (4)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 02 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 4 of 12: Bargaining" 01/2006). - Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 20 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (5)" (Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 20 " The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 5 of 12: Retreat" 01/2006). - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 526 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (6): course contre la mort" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 526 "The Other - Evolve Or […]
Info édition : Avec un portefeuille Spider-man. Contient: - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 03 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (7)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 03 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 7 of 12: Bowing to the Inevitable" 02/2006). - Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 21 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (8): contrecoup" (Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 21 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 8 of 12: Aftermath" 02/2006). - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 527 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (9)" (The Amazing Spider-Man […]
Info édition : Contient: - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 04 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (10): pirates" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 04 "The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 10 of 12: Pirate Booty" 03/2006). - Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 22 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (11): l'enfant du destin" (Marvel Knights Spider-Man (I) 22 " The Other - Evolve Or Die, Part 11 of 12: Destiny's Child" 03/2006). - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 528 "Les autres: évolue ou meurs (12): post-mortem" (The Amazing Spider-Man […]
Info édition : avec code barre
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 530 "Voyage à Washington (2)" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 530 "Mr. Parker Goes To Washington, Part 2" 05/2006). - The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 24 "Danger (2) contagion" (The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 24 "Feral, Part 2: Cat Scratch Fever" 05/2006). - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 06 "Mascara contra Mascara (1)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 06 "Masks 1/2" 05/2006). - Marvel Team-up (III) 18 "La ligue des Losers (4)" (Marvel Team-up (III) […]
Info édition : poster 3/5 (sans) Contient: - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 531 "Voyage à Washington (3)" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 531 "Mr. Parker Goes To Washington, Part 3" 06/2006). - The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 25 "Danger (3) pleine Luine" (The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 25 "Feral, Part 3: Hunter's Moon" 06/2006). - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 07 "Mascara contra Mascara (2)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 07 "Masks 2/2" 06/2006). - Marvel Team-up (III) 19 "Le onzième anneaux (Prélude)" […]
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 532 "Conflit Interne (1)" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 532 " The War At Home, Part 1" 07/2006). - The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 26 "Danger (4) Laisser parler la bête" (The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 26 "Feral, Part 4: The Beasts Within" 07/2006). - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 08 "Un autre chemin (1)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 08 " Jumping The Tracks 1/3" 07/2006). - Marvel Team-up (III) 20 "L' anneau de la liberté (1)" (Marvel Team-up […]
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 533 "Conflit Interne (2)" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 533 " The Night The War Came Home, Part 2" 08/2006). - The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 27 "Danger (5) La roche de vie" (The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 27 "Feral, Part 5: The Rock Of Life" 08/2006). - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 09 "Un autre chemin (2)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 09 " Jumping The Tracks 2/3" 08/2006). - Marvel Team-up (III) 21 "L' anneau de la liberté (2)" (Marvel Team-up […]
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 534 "Conflit Interne (3)" (The Amazing Spider-Man (I) 534 " The War At Home, Part 4" 09/2006). - The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 28 "Ma prof de sport s'appelle Spider-man" (The Sensational Spider-Man (II) 28 "My Science Teacher is Spider-Man!!" 09/2006). - Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 10 "Un autre chemin (3)" (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man (I) 10 " Jumping The Tracks 3/3" 09/2006). - Marvel Team-up (III) 22 "L' anneau de la liberté (3)" (Marvel Team-up […]