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Info édition : Couverture avec effet métallique. Contient: - Spider-man Chapter One (I) 01 "une amère leçon" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 01 " Bitter Lesson" 12/1998). - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 01.2 "Renaissance" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 01.2 " Where R U Spider-Man??? and Rebirth" 01/1999). - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 01.1 "Où est tu Spider-man?" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 01.1 "Where R U Spider-Man???" 01/1999). - Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 01.1 "Le pouvoir sans les responsabilités" (Peter Parker: […]
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 02 "J'devrais pas... mais faut bien." (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 02 "I Can't... (and I Don't Want To) ...But I Must!" 02/1999). - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 03 "Démarrage sur les chapeaux de roue !" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 03 "Off to a Flying Start!" 03/1999). - Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 03 "Le Témoin" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 03 " Eyewitness" 03/1999). - Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 02 "Jouet des Dieux" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 02 " Plaything […]
Info édition : Contient:
- The Amazing Spider-man (II) 05 "S'il n'en reste qu'une" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 05 "...And Then There Was One!" 05/1999).
- Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 05 "Le problème avec les femmes" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 05 "The Trouble With Girls" 05/1999).
- Spider-man Chapter One (I) 04 "Spidey doute" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 04 02/1999).
- Spider-man Chapter One (I) 05 "En chasse" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 05 03/1999).
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 06 "Toute la vérité (...enfin presque!)" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 06 "Truth be Told (...or not)" 06/1999). - Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 06 "L'habit ne fait pas le moine" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 06 "The Whys Have It!" 06/1999). - Spider-man Chapter One (I) 06 "Clash" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 06 "Clash" 04/1999). - Spider-man Chapter One (I) 00.1 "Sur les trace du lézard" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 00.2 "Where Walks the Lizard" 05/1999). - Spider-man […]
Info édition : Contient:
- The Amazing Spider-man (I) 1999 "Un monde d'illusions" (The Amazing Spider-man (I) 1999 "World Enough et Time" 06/1999).
- Spider-man Chapter One (I) 07 "Sur le fil" (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 07 05/1999).
- Spider-woman (II) 01 "Spider Spider" (Spider-woman (II) 01"Spider spider" 07/1999).
Info édition : Contient: - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 07 "Un monde parfait (1): des héros et des vilains" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 07 "The Perfect World Part 1 Heroes and Villains" 07/1999). - The Amazing Spider-man (II) 08 "Un monde parfait (2): Deus ex machina" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 08 "The Man Behind the Curtain!" 08/1999). - Spider-woman (II) 02 "Laisser venir à moi les petits enfants" (Spider-woman (II) 02" Suffer the little children" 08/1999). - Spider-man Chapter One (I) 08 "Spidey fait son […]
Info édition : Contient:
- Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 07 "Les créatures de la nuit" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 07 "Creatures of the Night" 07/1999).
- Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 08 "Liens de sang" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 08 "
Blood Feud" 08/1999).
- The Amazing Spider-man (II) 09 "La liste" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 09 "The List" 09/1999).
- Spider-man Chapter One (I) 09 "Jeux d'illusions (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 09 07/1999).
Info édition : Contient:
- The Amazing Spider-man (II) 10 "Les survivants" (The Amazing Spider-man (II) 10 "
And Then There Were..." 10/1999).
- Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 09 "Les ombres du passé" (Peter Parker: Spider-man (I) 09 "Shadows of the Past" 09/1999).
- Spider-woman (II) 03 "La peau sur les os" (Spider-woman (II) 03" Skin and Bones!" 09/1999).
- Spider-man Chapter One (I) 10 "Un sacré numéro (Spider-Man Chapter One (I) 10 "Goblin Redux" 08/1999).