THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: BAST is a 3-issue VERTIGO miniseries written by Caitlîn R. Kiernan (THE DREAMING, THE GIRL WHO WOULD BE DEATH) with art by Joe Bennett (Amazing Spider-Man, Elektra) and covers by Dave McKean (THE SANDMAN, THE DREAMING) that finds Lady Bast — the sexy Egyptian cat goddess from THE SANDMAN: SEASON OF MISTS storyline — dying. Her skin, once taut and sumptuous, is now sagging. Her powers are dwindling. A goddess is only as strong as her believers, and the time of the cat goddess has long since faded into the sand. In her crumbling Egyptian halls, Bast seeks one final believer — a small-town girl named Lucy — in an attempt to rebuild her following, her physicality and, ultimately, her powers.
A plethora of cats, two rebellious teenagers and one small town become caught in the crossfire in THE SANDMAN PRESENTS: BAST, a haunting portrait of power, corruption and innocence lost.
This project is supported with house and trade ads.