Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and The Plot to Kill Mr. Winters" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 39 pages) et "Canoeing on White Water" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of an Indian warrior (illustration de Mo Gollub)
Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and the Star Sapphire" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 16 pages), "The Lone Ranger and the Wheat Fire in Green Valley" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 23 pages) et un histoire non titrée de Young Hawk en 6 pages. Dernière de couverture: Portrait of an Indian warrior (illustration par Mo Gollub)
Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and the Tunnel Builders" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 23 pages), "The Lone Ranger and the Bart Cavendish Gang" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 16 pages) et "Captured in a Corn Field" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Blackfoot Indian Almighty Voice, with short story of his last days in 1897.
Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and the Camel Expedition" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 23 pages), "The Lone Ranger and the Idaho Kid's Rifle" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 16 pages) et "A Smelly Escape" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of an unnamed Indian warrior (illustration de Mo Gollub)
Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and the Horse Thieves" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 23 pages), "The Lone Ranger and The Gang of Counterfeiters" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 16 pages) et "Buffalo Stampede" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of "Jason", a Nez Perce Indian.
Info édition : Contient: "The Lone Ranger and the Black Barton Gang" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 16 pages), "The Lone Ranger Outwits Killer Dorn" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 13 pages), "The Lone Ranger and the Kidnapers" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 10 pages) et "Prairie Fire" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of an unnamed Indian warrior.
Info édition : Contient: "The False Lone Ranger" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 9 pages), "The Stolen Herd" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 7 pages), "The Land Option" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 14 pages), "The Burned Letters" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 9 pages) et "Home Again" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of an unnamed Indian warrior.
Info édition : Contient: "Old Ben's Killer" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 13 pages), "The Female Spy" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 14 pages), "A Love Triangle" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 12 pages) et "Dakotas Attack in the Snow" (Young Hawk / comic story / 5.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of Chief Three Fingers, Cheyenne tribe.
Info édition : Contient: "The Broken Spur" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 23 pages), "The Indians and the Cannon" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 12 pages) et "The Invisible Attackers" (Young Hawk / comic story / 9.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of unnamed Indian chief.
Info édition : Contient: "Fireworks Defense" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 11 pages), "The Land Deal that Backfired" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 15 pages), "The Gambling Debt" (The Lone Ranger / comic story / 10 pages) et "Stealing Bows from Sioux" (Young Hawk / comic story / 9.5 pages). Dernière de couverture: Portrait of unnamed Indian warrior