Info édition : Contient: "O, Bitter Victory!" (Thor, 234 - 04/1975), Son of Satan:"In This Light, Darkness!" (Marvel Spotlight, 23 - 08/1975) et "Man who went back" (Journey into Mystery, 18 - 10/1954)
Info édition : Contient: "Who Lurks Beyond the Labyrinth!" (Thor, 235 - 05/1975), Son of Satan:"Walk the Darkling Road!" (Marvel Spotlight, 24 - 09/1975) et Doctor Droom: "Krogg" (Amazing Adventures, 6 - 11/1961)
Info édition : Contient: "One Life to Give!" (Thor, 236 - 06/1975), "The Homecoming!" (Son of Satan, 1 - 12/1975) et "Beyond the Vale of Savage Time" (Ka-Zar, 10 - 08/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "Ulik Unchained" (Thor, 237 - 07/1975), "The Possession!" (Son of Satan, 2 - 02/1976) et suite et fin de "Beyond the Vale of Savage Time" (Ka-Zar, 10 - 08/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "Night of the Troll!" (Thor, 238 - 08/1975), "Demon's Head" (Son of Satan, 3 - 04/1976) et "The Devil-God of Sylitha!" (Ka-Zar, 11 - 09/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "Time Quake!" (Thor, 239 - 09/1975), "Cloud of Witness!" (Son of Satan, 4 - 06/1976) et "The Devil-God of Sylitha!" (Ka-Zar Vol 2, 11-10/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "When the Gods Make War!" (Thor, 240 - 10/1975), "Assassin's Mind" (Son of Satan, 5 - 08/1976) et "Wizard of Forgotten Flesh" (Ka-Zar Vol 2, 12-11/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "The Death-ship Sails the Stars!" (Thor, 241 - 11/1975), "House of Elements!" (Son of Satan, 6 - 10/1976) et la fin de "Wizard of Forgotten Flesh" (Ka-Zar Vol 2, 12-11/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "When the Servitor Commands!" (Thor, 242 - 12/1975), "Mirror Of Judgment" (Son of Satan, 7 - 12/1976) et "The Skull of the Lizard-Man!" (Ka-Zar Vol 2, 13-12/1975)
Info édition : Contient: "Turmoil in the Time Stream!" (Thor, 244 - 02/1976), Black Panther "Panther's Rage" (Jungle Action, 6 - 09/1973) et la fin de "The Skull of the Lizard-Man!" (Ka-Zar, 13 - 12/1975)