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Titre Fenetre
Contenu Fenetre
  • Se souvenir de moi
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Extrait indisponible

Caliber is a retelling of King Arthur set in the Pacific Northwest circa 19th century in which the Sword Excalibur is replaced by a gun that only one man can use. A French- Indian Shaman, known as Whitefeather has the mission of finding this man, a mission that has taken over his life. When he has a visions that points him to the right man, he takes the gun to him and sure as hell he can use it, but with horrible consequences. The man dies. Years later, his only son, one Arthur Pendergon comes back accompanied by his uncle and cousin to find his old town taken by out-laws, his childhood friend Gwen working at the saloon and Chinese Immigrant as well as Native Americans being ill-treated by the town’s rich people. Whitefeather, who had become a shadow of himself has set up a shooting stand in which people get to try and shoot The Gun but obviously no one has even been able to. Until one day, young Arthur, in the middle of a fight, picks it up and shoots with it. Whitefeather rescues him and takes him away to start his mentoring so that with the use of The Gun, Arthur can become the upholder of the Law. In the midst of it all, there is a bit of time for romance between Arthur and Gwen; his revenge against his father’s killing and Whitefeather’s first face-off with his old flame Morgan.

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