Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 21 "Chasser la bête" (Wolverine (I) 21 "Battleground" 02/1990). - Serval (I) 22 "Eclosion!" (Wolverine (I) 22 "Outburst!" 03/1990).
Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 23 "Guérison" (Wolverine (I) 23 "Endings" 04/1990). - Serval (I) 24 " Tempête de neige" (Wolverine (I) 24 "Snow Blind" 05/1990).
Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 25 "Souvenirs" (Wolverine (I) 25 "Heir Aid" 06/1990). - Serval (I) 26 "La paix en héritage" (Wolverine (I) 26 "Memory Of Peace" 07/1990).
Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 27 "Le projet Lazarus (1): Chasseurs et proies" (Wolverine (I) 27 " The Lazarus Project Part 1 of 4 - Predators And Prey!" 07/1990). - Serval (I) 28 "Le projet Lazarus (2): L'étranger" (Wolverine (I) 28 "The Lazarus Project Part 2 of 4 - The Stranger" 08/1990).
Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 29 "Le projet Lazarus (3): Sacrifices" (Wolverine (I) 29 "The Lazarus Project Part 3 of 4 - The Road Back" 08/1990). - Serval (I) 30 "Le projet Lazarus (4): La marionnette" (Wolverine (I) 30 "The Lazarus Project Part 4 of 4 - Family Matters" 09/1990).
Info édition : Contient: - Serval (I) 31 "La fureur du dragon" (Wolverine (I) 31 "Killing Zone" 09/1990). - Serval (I) 32 "Au bout des ténèbres" (Wolverine (I) 32 "Terminal Trauma" 10/1990).
Info édition : Contient: "La prophétie" (Wolverine (1988) #33 "Grave Undertakings"), 22 pl. + "Au bout des ténèbres" (Wolverine (1988) #34 "The Hunter in Darkness"), 22 pl.
Info édition : Contient : "Le sang des arènes" (Wolverine (1988) #35 "Blood, Sand and Claws!"), 22 pl. + "Pour qui sonne le glas" (Wolverine (1988) #36 "...It Tolls For Thee!", 22 pl.