Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 17 "La chevauchée noire (1) : L'appel" (Cable (I) 17 "The Dark Ride Part 1: The Calling" 11/1994). - Cable (I) 18 "La chevauchée noire (2) : Le jugement" (Cable (I) 18 "The Dark Ride Part 2: Judgement Day" 12/1994).
Info édition : Contient: - X-man (I) 01 "Guérilla " (X-man (I) 01 "Breaking Away" 03/1995). - X-man (I) 02 "Sabotage" (X-man (I) 02 "Choosing Sides" 04/1995).
Info édition : Contient: - X-man (I) 03 "Volte Face" (X-man (I) 03 "Turning Point" 05/1995). - X-man (I) 04 "l'art de la guerre" (X-man (I) 04 "The Art of War" 06/1995).
Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 21 "Remise en ordre" (Cable (I) 21 ""...Our Regularly Scheduled Program..." 07/1995). - Cable (I) 22 " Sanctuaire" (Cable (I) 22 "Sanctuary" 08/1995).
Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 23 "Secrets de famille" (Cable (I) 23 "Family Secrets" 09/1995). - Cable (I) 24 "Ames perdues" (Cable (I) 24 "Lost Souls" 10/1995).
Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 25 "Retour vers le futur" (Cable (I) 25 ""What Was... What Is..."" 10/1995). - Cable (I) 30.2 "Stratégie" (Cable (I) 30.2 04/1996).
Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 26 "...Sans danger" (Cable (I) 26 "The Long Way Home" 12/1995). - Cable (I) 27 "Rebelles" (Cable (I) 27 "Rebels" 01/1996).
Info édition : Contient: - Cable (I) 28 "Tik...Tik...Tik..." (Cable (I) 28 "Tick...Tick...Tick!" 02/1996). - Cable (I) 29 "Le mirroir à deux faces" (Cable (I) 29 "Man in the Mirror" 03/1996).
Info édition : Accompagné d'un poster: The Marvel Poster Collection 11/12. Contient: - Cable (I) 32 "Première piste" (Cable (I) 32 "Venting" 06/1996). - X-Force / Cable '95 (I) 01.2 "Jeu pervers" (X-Force / Cable '95 (I) 01.2 "The Gamut" 12/1995). - X-Force / Cable '96 (I) 01.2 "Denouement" (X-Force / Cable '96 (I) 01.2 "Tribute, Part 4: Denouement" 10/1996).