Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 43 "Poison de charme" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 43 "Pretty Poison" 06/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 10 "C'est l'haleine de la nuit..." (Spider-Woman (I) 10 "Things That Go Flit in the Night" 01/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 132 "Omega ! L'ultime ennemi !" (Fantastic Four (I) 132 "Omega! The Ultimate Enemy!" 03/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 44 " Le gang de la vengeance" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 44 "The Vengeance Gambit!" 07/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 11 "Poupée de cire, poupée de son..." (Spider-Woman (I) 11 "And Dolly Makes Three" 02/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 133 " La bataille du siècle !" (Fantastic Four (I) 133 "Thundra at Dawn" 04/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 45 "L'épreuve du feu !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 45 "Wings of Fire, Wings of Fear" 08/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 12 "Le dernier conte des Frères Grimm !" (Spider-Woman (I) 12 " The Last Tale of the Brothers Grimm" 03/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 134 " Un dragon dans le ciel !" (Fantastic Four (I) 134 "A Dragon Stalks the Skies!" 05/1973). - Spider-Woman (I) 11.2 "Les pouvoirs de Spider-Woman" (Spider-Woman (I) 11.2 02/1979).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 46 "Redoutable Cobra !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 46 "Deadly is the Cobra!" 09/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 13 "Et soudain... le Suaire !" (Spider-Woman (I) 13 "Suddenly ... the Shroud!" 04/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 135 "La machine Eternité!" (Fantastic Four (I) 135 "The Eternity Machine!" 06/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 47 "Aux aguets !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 47 " A Night on the Prowl!" 10/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 14 " Sur les traces de Kali !" (Spider-Woman (I) 14 "Cults and Robbers" 05/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 136 "En avant la musique !" (Fantastic Four (I) 136 "Rock Around the Cosmos!" 07/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 48 "Echec sur deux tableaux !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 48 "Double Defeat!" 11/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 15 "Les combattants de l'ombre ! " (Spider-Woman (I) 15 "Into the Heart of Darkness!" 06/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 137 "Bagarre sur la planète 3" (Fantastic Four (I) 137 "Rumble on Planet 3!" 08/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 49.1 "Alerte au contrebandier" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 49.1 "Enter: The Smuggler!" 12/1980). - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 49.2 "... Le Tigre Blanc" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 49.2 "... The White Tiger" 12/1980). - Spider-Woman (I) 16 "Face à Nekkra" (Spider-Woman (I) 16 "All You Need is Hate" 07/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 138 "La folie de l'Homme Miracle !" (Fantastic Four (I) 138 " This Way Lies...Madness!" 09/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 50.1 "Dilemme" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 50.1 " Alone Against the Aliens!" 01/1981). - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 50.2 "Le Tigre Blanc - Commando de choc !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 50.2 01/1981). - Spider-Woman (I) 19 "Le retour du Lycanthrope !" (Spider-Woman (I) 19 "The Beast Within" 10/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 139 "Les miracles n'ont lieu qu'une fois !" (Fantastic Four (I) 139 " Target: Tomorrow" 10/1973).
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 51.1 "La foire aux illusions !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 51 "Aliens and Illusions!" 02/1981). - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 51.2 "Le Tigre Blanc - Au pouvoir de Gédéon Mace !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 51 "Aliens and Illusions!" 02/1981). - Spider-Woman (I) 20 "Quand les toiles s'emmêlent! " (Spider-Woman (I) 20 " Tangled Webs" 11/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 140 "L'origine d'Annihilus" (Fantastic Four (I) 140 "And Now--Annihilus Rules […]
Info édition : Contient: - The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 52 "Les chasseurs de héros !" (The Spectacular Spider-Man (I) 52 "The Day of the Hero Killers!" 03/1981). - Spider-Woman (I) 21 "Spider-Woman chasseur de primes !" (Spider-Woman (I) 21 "Beware the Spider Woman ... Bounty Hunter" 12/1979). - Les 4 Fantastiques (I) 141 "La fin des Fantastiques !" (Fantastic Four (I) 141 "The End of the Fantastic Four" 12/1973).