Info édition : also Featuring: Lois&Clark 2 Steel
Info édition : Bonus Feautures: Lois&Clark2 / Super is as super does
Info édition : Contains: "New Worlds Part Two" (20 pages - Johnson & Sandoval), "Secret Identity Part One" (10 pages - Luen Yang & Bogdanović) and "Panic at the Parade!" (10 pages - Hahn & Mercer)
Info édition : Contains: "New Worlds Part Three" (20 pages - Johnson & Barrows & Ferreira), "Secret Identity Part Two" (10 pages - Luen Yang & Bogdanović) and "a Heart in Metropolis" (10 pages - Parent & sauvage)
Info édition : Contains: "New Worlds Part Four" (20 pages - Johnson & Ossio & Ferreira & Prado & Trindade), "Quad Dreams" (10 pages - Maines & Orlando & Ossio) and "Past is Prologue" (10 pages - Casey & Mc Drid)
Info édition : Contains: "Hello, Cruel World, Olleh" (30 pages - Aaron & Timms),
Info édition : Contains : "House of Brainiac Part 3" (20 pages by Williamson, Sandoval, Mendoça, Sánchez & Sharpe), "Brainiac and Son" (10 pages by Williamson, Colak, Spicer & Sharpe) and "Ramona & Me" (2 pages by Holzherr, Brigman, Richardson, Mulvihill & Chiang)