Info édition : Contient: - Iron Man (I) 94 "Frenzy At Fifty Fathoms!" 01/1977. (Publié dans: Strange (Lug/Semic) n° 96 (12/1977)). - Iron Man (I) 95 "Ultimo!" 02/1977. (Publié dans: Strange (Lug/Semic) n° 97 (01/1978)). - Iron Man (I) 96 "Only A Friend Can Save Him" 03/1977. (Publié dans: Strange (Lug/Semic) n° 98 (02/1978)). - Iron Man (I) 97 "Showdown With The Guardsman!" 04/1977. (Publié dans: Strange (Lug/Semic) n° 99 (03/1978)). - Iron Man (I) 98 "Sunfire Strikes Again!" 05/1977. (Publié dans: Strange (Lug/Semic) […]
Info édition : Contient les épisodes US: Iron Man (1968) 113 à 128, Marvel Premiere (1972) 44
Info édition : Contient: - Iron man (I) 129 "Dread Night of the Dreadnought!" 12/1979 - Iron man (I) 130 "The Digital Devil!" 01/1980. - Iron man (I) 131 "Hulk is Where the Heart Is" 02/1980. - Iron man (I) 132 "The Man Who Would Be Hulk" 03/1980. - Iron man (I) 133 "The Hero Within!" 03/1980. - Iron man (I) 134 "The Challenge" 05/1980. - Iron man (I) 135 "Return Of The Hero" 06/1980. - Iron man (I) 136 "The Beginning Of The Endotherm!" 07/1980. - Iron man (I) 137 "Chapter I: Facades!" 08/1980. - Iron man (I) […]
Info édition : Contient les épisodes US : Iron Man (1968) 145-157