Info édition : - Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (1)" (New Avengers 55 "Powerloss, part 1" 09/2009). - Captain America "Un an après" (Captain America 600 "One Year After" 08/2009). - Captain America "La persistance des souvenirs" (Captain America 601 "The Persistance of Memorabilia" 08/2009). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dans la ligne de mire (8)" (Invincible Iron-Man 15 "World's Most Wanted, part 8: Tha Danger We're All In " 09/2009).
Info édition : - Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (2)" (New Avengers 56 "Powerloss, part 2" 10/2009). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dans la ligne de mire (9)" (Invincible Iron-Man 16 "World's Most Wanted, part 9: Titan od the Nuclear Age" 10/2009). - Fantastic Four " le maître de Fatalis (3)" (Fantastic Four 568 "Doom's Master, part 3" 08/2009). - Captain America "La sentinelle de la liberté" (Captain America (vol 5) 50 "Sebtinel of Liberty" 07/2009).
Info édition : - Fantastic Four " le maître de Fatalis (4)" (Fantastic Four 569 "Doom's Master, part 4" 09/2009). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dans la ligne de mire (10)" (Invincible Iron-Man 17 "World's Most Wanted, part 10: Ashes and Snow" 11/2009). - Les Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (3)" (New Avengers 57 "Powerloss, part 3" 11/2009). - Captain America "In Memoriam" (Captain America 600 08/2009).
Info édition : - Les Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (4)" (New Avengers 58 "Powerloss, part 4" 12/2009). - Les Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (5)" (New Avengers 59 "Powerloss, part 5" 01/2010). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dans la ligne de mire (11)" (Invincible Iron-Man 18 "World's Most Wanted, part 11: Kids with Ge=uns vs The Eternal Angel of Death" 11/2009). - Les Quatre Fantastiques "Un solution pour Tout (1)" (Fantastic Four 570 "Solve Everything, part 1" 10/2009).
Info édition : - Les Nouveau Vengeurs " Panne séche (5)" (New Avengers 60 "Powerloss, part 6" 02/2010). - Les Nouveau Vengeurs " Girl power" (New Avengers Annual 3 02/2010). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dans la ligne de mire (11) conclusion" (Invincible Iron-Man 19 "World's Most Wanted, part 12: Into the White (Einstein on the Beatch)" 12/2009).
Info édition : - Les Nouveaux Vengeurs " Deux par deux" (New Avengers 61 "Siege" 03/2010). - Les Quatre Fantastiques "Un solution pour Tout (2)" (Fantastic Four 571 "Solve Everything, part 2" 11/2009). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dislocation (1)" (Invincible Iron-Man 20 "Stark Disassembled, part 1:Counting Up From Zero" 01/2010). - Captain America "Deux Amériques (1)" (Captain America 602 Two America, part 1" 03/2010).
Info édition : - Les Nouveaux Vengeurs "Sous influence" (New Avengers 62 "Siege" 04/2010). - Les Quatre Fantastiques "Un solution pour Tout (3)" (Fantastic Four 572 "Solve Everything, part 3" 12/2009). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dislocation (2)" (Invincible Iron-Man 21 "Stark Disassembled, part 2: Digging in the Dirt" 02/2010). - Captain America "Deux Amériques (2)" (Captain America 603 "Two America, part 2" 04/2010).
Info édition : - Les Nouveaux Vengeurs "Un Mauvaos rêve" (New Avengers 63 "Siege" 05/2010). - Les Quatre Fantastiques "Incursion on le Nu-Monde" (Fantastic Four 573 "Adventue s on Nu-World" 01/2010). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dislocation (3)" (Invincible Iron-Man 22 "Stark Disassembled, part 3: Is Ot Safe" 03/2010). - Captain America "Deux Amériques (3)" (Captain America 604 "Two America, part 3" 05/2010).
Info édition : - Les Nouveaux Vengeurs "Les meilleurs amis" (New Avengers 64 06/2010). - Les Quatre Fantastiques "Le messsager du futur" (Fantastic Four 574 "Days of Future Franklin!" 02/2010). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dislocation (4)" (Invincible Iron-Man 23 "Stark Disassembled, part 4: Ghost in the Machine" 04/2010). - Invincible Iron-Man "Dislocation (5)" (Invincible Iron-Man 24 "Stark Disassembled, part 5:....." 05/2010). - Captain America "Deux Amériques (4)" (Captain America 605 "Two America, Conclusion" 06/2010).