After having worked in cartoon animation in the 1980s, Kim Hagen started making comics at the Pinligt Selskab Studios in 1991. His first album, 'Den Sorte Hat' ('The Black Hat') was published in 1994. This book contained three short, dark stories, in a style inspired by American comic books from the 1990s. Through Teddy Kristiansen, Hagen started to work for the American market as well. After that, he worked for the magazine Negative Burn which put him in contact with Verotik publishers. For this publisher, he drew some erotic comics, like 'The Room Where Love Lives' and 'Such a Good Baby'. Since 1996, Hagen has concentrated on his series 'John Applethorne' and advertising jobs.
After having worked in cartoon animation in the 1980s, Kim Hagen started making comics at the Pinligt Selskab Studios in 1991. His first album, 'Den Sorte Hat' ('The Black Hat') was published in 1994. This book contained three short, dark stories, in a style inspired by American comic books from the 1990s. Through Teddy Kristiansen, Hagen started to work for the American market as well. After that, he worked for the magazine Negative Burn which put him in contact with Verotik publishers. For this publisher, he drew some erotic comics, like 'The Room Where Love Lives' and 'Such a Good Baby'. Since 1996, Hagen has concentrated on his series 'John Applethorne' and advertising jobs.