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Yeagle, Dean

Yeagle, Dean

  • 13184
  • Yeagle
  • Dean
  • le 01/01/1950 (ÉTATS-UNIS)

Sa biographie

Dean Yeagle is an accomplished animator, most likely best known for his character 'Mandy', who has frequented the pages of Playboy Magazine.As a young Disney fan, Yeagle set his sights on becoming an animator for Disney around the age of 10. During this time he often drew Disney characters, but later began to develop his own.After graduating from High School, Yeagle went to art school, leaving after a year. He began his animation career in a small studio in Philadelphia, PA with a summer job, giving him his first taste of the industry. He served four years in the Navy during the Vietnam era, and later worked for Jack Zander (who once animated Tom and Jerry cartoons for MGM) in Zander's Animation Parlour, New York.Seven years after starting at Zander's Animation Parlour, Yeagle began freelancing, working for most of the New York animation studios before starting his own - Caged Beagle Productions - in 1986 with Nancy Beiman. Caged Beagle produces TV commercials, CD-ROMs, sub-contracts or consults on features and character design.Yeagle has worked as a designer, animator and director, and he was nominated by the National Cartoonist Society (NCS) for the 2003 Gag Award for his work in Playboy Magazine. His official website also states that he was awarded the Animator of the Year Award by the NCS, and this claim is repeated by various websites, but the NCS website does not list his name as the recipient of any of its awards.

Dean Yeagle is an accomplished animator, most likely best known for his character 'Mandy', who has frequented the pages of Playboy Magazine.As a young Disney fan, Yeagle set his sights on becoming an animator for Disney around the age of 10. During this time he often drew Disney characters, but later began to develop his own.After graduating from High School, Yeagle went to art school, leaving after a year. He began his animation career in a small studio in Philadelphia, PA with a summer job, giving him his first taste of the industry. He served four years in the Navy during the Vietnam era, and later worked for Jack Zander (who once animated Tom and Jerry cartoons for MGM) in Zander's Animation Parlour, New York.Seven years after starting at Zander's Animation Parlour, Yeagle began freelancing, working for most of the New York animation studios before starting his own - Caged Beagle Productions - in 1986 with Nancy Beiman. Caged Beagle produces TV commercials, CD-ROMs, sub-contracts or consults on features and character design.Yeagle has worked as a designer, animator and director, and he was nominated by the National Cartoonist Society (NCS) for the 2003 Gag Award for his work in Playboy Magazine. His official website also states that he was awarded the Animator of the Year Award by the NCS, and this claim is repeated by various websites, but the NCS website does not list his name as the recipient of any of its awards.

Sa Bibliographie

Les tableaux synthéthiques ci-dessous peuvent être faussés par des éditions anniversaires (souvent post-mortem). Ils ne tiennent pas compte des autres pseudonymes sous lequel signe cet auteur.

Séries principales de à Rôle
Marvel Super Special Vol 1 (1977) 1984
Documents, Monographies, Biographies de à Rôle
(AUT) Yeagle 2003 2019