Tome 5 -
The man who stole tomorrow
Tome 6 -
The inhuman condition
Tome 7 -
Hard choices part one: The heart of the hunter
Tome 8 -
Hard choices part two: Devils at the doorstep
Tome 9 -
Hard choices part three: Following the line along the middle
Tome 14 -
The breeze of an underwater wind
Tome 15 -
The sushi people
Tome 18 -
Everything you always wanted to know about the taylor foundation but were afraid to ask
Tome 19 -
Sympathy for the devil
Tome 21 -
The folding circle
Tome 25 -
Nothing but the truth: justifiable homicide
Tome 27 -
Dark sides
Tome 28 -
Heavy Turbulence
Tome 29 -
World war one: this land must change
Tome 30 -
World war two: ...or land myst burn
Tome 31 -
Tome 35 -
Hawks and doves
Tome 37 -
Family values
Tome 39 -
Family values: family honor, poisoned memories
Tome 44 -
Back and Blue
Tome 45 -
Child's play part 2 : sleeping with the enemy
Tome 46 -
Child's play part 4 : united they fall
Tome 47 -
Issue #47
Tome 48 -
Issue #48
Tome 49 -
Issue #49
Tome 50 -
Time's Up!
Tome 51 -
Make Room for the New Warriors
Tome 52 -
The New Warriors vs. Psionex!
Tome 53 -
Psionex Strikes Again and Again and Again...
Tome 54 -
Casualties of War!
Tome 55 -
In the Hands of the Enemy!
Tome 56 -
Kymaera Unleashed!
Tome 57 -
Guess who wins?
Tome 58 -
Shalom, Shalom (good-bye, peace)
Tome 59 -
Justice Denied!
Tome 60 -
Nova Omega
Tome 61 -
Maximum clonage prologue
Tome 62 -
The Scarlet Spider Joins the New Warriors
Tome 63 -
Tome 64 -
Thrash and Rage Are Back!
Tome 65 -
Nita's Back-- And She's Out for Blood!
Tome 66 -
The Speedball Revenge Squad?!
Tome 67 -
Nightmare in Scarlet 2 of 3
Tome 68 -
Future Shock 1
Tome 69 -
Future Shock 2
Tome 70 -
Future Shock 3
Tome 71 -
Future Shock 4
Tome 72 -
Avengers Assemble!
Tome 73 -
Issue #73
Tome 74 -
Issue #74
Tome 75 -
Issue #75
AN02 -
Annual 2: The Hero Killer 4