X-Men Vol.7 (2024)
2. Issue #2
Une BD de
Jed MacKay
Ryan Stegman
chez Marvel Comics
- 2024
MacKay, Jed
Stegman, Ryan
Gracia, Marte
Livesay, John
Mayer, J.P.
Cowles, Clayton
Gracia, Marte
Stegman, Ryan
Mayer, J.P.
10/2024 (28 aout 2024) 26 pages Format comics 506101
SCOTT SUMMERS VS. THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! How did the X-Men come to possess their HQ, the Factory, and how difficult a position does that put them in? As Cyclops meets the implacable Agent Lundqvist, the X-Men come to find that their new home may not be as secure as they had thought...