X-Men Red (2022)
3. Loss
Une BD de
Al Ewing
Stefano Caselli
chez Marvel Comics
- 2022
Ewing, Al
Caselli, Stefano
Blee, Federico
Protobunker Studio
Sifuentes, Fernando
Maher, Ariana
Adams, Arthur
Wilson, Matthew
Gomez, Carlos
Dauterman, Russell
Blee, Federico
Aburtov, Jesús
Menon, Neeraj
Ruan, Dike
06/2022 (15 juin 2022) 24 pages Format comics 450928
TARN THE UNCARING waged war and torture on Arakko for centuries. He's the most hated being on Mars…and he sits on their ruling council. ABIGAIL BRAND has a plan to remedy that — and reap the rewards. So does ROBERTO DA COSTA. But only one of them can win…and Tarn's going to make at least one mutant pay the price for it!