X-Men Legends (2021)
INT1. The Missing Links
Une BD de
Fabian Nicieza
Brett Booth
chez Marvel Comics
- 2021
Nicieza, Fabian
Simonson, Louise
David, Peter
Booth, Brett
Simonson, Walter
Nauck, Todd
Martin, Laura
Rosenberg, Rachelle
Corona, Adelso
Workman, John
Caramagna, Joe
Booth, Brett
Delgado, Edgar
Rosenberg, Rachelle
11/2021 (23 novembre 2021) 144 pages 9781302928049 Format comics 437481
Legendary X-Men creators craft all-new, in-continuity stories set during their fan-favorite runs! Break out the yellows and blues, fire up the Danger Room, snap on your pouches and prepare for a return to the classic eras of the X-Men! Fabian Nicieza kicks things off with a special saga of Cyclops and Havok, as the Shi’ar return to Earth in search of the Forsaken One! As the Summers brothers search for answers, the full truth behind Adam-X’s lineage is revealed in a story nearly 30 years in the making! Then, Louise Simonson and Walter Simonson... Lire la suite