X-Men (Intégrales U.S)
INT. X-Men: Bishop's Crossing
Une BD de
Jim Lee
Whilce Portacio
chez Marvel Comics
- 2012
Lee, Jim
Lobdell, Scott
Byrne, John
Portacio, Whilce
Nicieza, Fabian
Portacio, Whilce
Kubert, Andy
Texeira, Mark
Raney, Tom
Thibert, Art
Tyler, Rurik
Romita Jr., John
08/2012 (17 octobre 2012) 392 pages 9780785153498 Format normal 174223
When the Upstarts overthrow the Hellfi re Club in a bloody coup, the X-Men are caught in the middle! But their battle is interrupted when hundreds of escaped convicts arrive from the future - pursued by the mutant policeman called Bishop! Raised since childhood on the legends of the X-Men, how will this hard-edged fi sh out of water react to meeting his idols face-to-face? And what deadly portent of doom does Bishop carry with him? Plus: Colossus' long-lost brother Mikhail returns, but he's gone completely mad - and that's a "gift" he plans on... Lire la suite