Wonder Woman Vol.4 (2011)
42. Struggle & Strife
Une BD de
Meredith Finch
David Finch
chez DC Comics
(The New 52!)
- 2015
Finch, Meredith
Finch, David
Anderson, Brad
Glapion, Jonathan
Desjardins, Johnny
Leigh, Rob
Finch, David
Glapion, Jonathan
Anderson, Brad
Moulton Marston, William
(Adapté de)
07/2015 (22 juillet 2015) 32 pages Format comics 252708
To replace Ares as the God of War, Wonder Woman must better understand him – and that means a journey to Ares’ home! You can just imagine what that entails! Plus, learn who is behind the attacks on Paradise Island!
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