Wolverines (2015)
1. Issue 1
Une BD de
Charles Soule
Nick Bradshaw
chez Marvel Comics
- 2015
Soule, Charles
Bradshaw, Nick
Borges Da Costa, Alisson
Plascencia, Fco
03/2015 (07 janvier 2015) 20 pages Format comics 235119
Wolverine may be dead, but what will happen to his mortal remains, encased in something as rare and powerful as Adamantium? The battle for control of this valuable artifact has begun! But why does it matter so much and why is a war brewing in Loganan's name? Death is on the books for a dozen heroes and villains, and Mystique is playing chess with them all, including X-23, Sabretooth, Daken, Lady Deathstrike and more! Murder, mutilation, betrayal and trauma none will be spared!