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Couverture de Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -37- Battle of the Atom - Chapter 9
©Marvel Comics 2013 Aaron/Camuncoli
Parution en 12/2013. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 27/10/2013 (Dernière modification le 29/10/2013 à 22:44) par Jmc95

Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011)

37. Battle of the Atom - Chapter 9

Une BD de et Giuseppe Camuncoli chez Marvel Comics - 2013

12/2013 Format comics 200041

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -1- Welcome to the X-Men ! Now die!

    Tome 1
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -2- Untitled

    Tome 2
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -3- Untitled

    Tome 3
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -4- Just another day in Westchester County

    Tome 4
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -5- Mutatis Mutandis part 1 : congratulations! it's a brood

    Tome 5
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -6- Mutatis mutandis part 2 : always bet on X

    Tome 6
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -7- Mutatis mutandis part 3 : it ain't easy bein' brood

    Tome 7
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -8- A little impossible

    Tome 8
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -9- Day of the phoenix, dark night of the soul

    Tome 9
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -10- Avengers vs X-Men...vs X-Men

    Tome 10
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -11- Got hope ?

    Tome 11
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -12- Hounded

    Tome 12
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -13- Born Warbird

    Tome 13
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -14- My dinner with the Phoenix

    Tome 14
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -15- On the eve of the battle

    Tome 15
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -16- The fires of hell a-glowing

    Tome 16
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -17- Wolverine's secret weapon

    Tome 17
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -18- Dance like there's no tomorrow

    Tome 18
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -19- More pencils, more books, more teachers dirty looks

    Tome 19
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -20- The search for something new

    Tome 20
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -21- The greatest freakshow on earth

    Tome 21
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -22- Big top hell

    Tome 22
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -23- The last frankenstein

    Tome 23
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -24- Ain't no sin to be glad you're alive

    Tome 24
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -25- Savage Learning (Part 1 of 4) Survival 101

    Tome 25
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -26- Savage Learning (Part 2 of 4) A Boy Named Dog

    Tome 26
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -27- Savage Learning (Part 3 of 4) Generation Dog

    Tome 27
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -28- Savage Learning (Part 4 of 4) School of Snikt

    Tome 28
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -29- Key to the Future

    Tome 29
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -30- The Hellfire Saga Prelude

    Tome 30
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -31- The hellfire saga part 1 of 5

    Tome 31
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -32- The hellfire saga part 2 of 5

    Tome 32
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -33- The hellfire saga part 3 of 5

    Tome 33
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -34- The hellfire saga part 4 of 5

    Tome 34
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -35- The hellfire saga part 5 of 5

    Tome 35
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -36- Battle of the Atom - Chapter 5

    Tome 36
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -37- Battle of the Atom - Chapter 9

    Tome 37
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -38- Untitled

    Tome 38
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -39- Untitled

    Tome 39
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -40- Untitled

    Tome 40
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -41- Issue 41

    Tome 41
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -42- Graduation Day

    Tome 42
  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) - Age of Ultron: Road Trip

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -AN01- Annual 1

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -INT01- Wolverine and the X-Men volume 1

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -INT06- The Strangest Heroes of All

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -INT07- Untitled

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -INT08- Untitled

  • Wolverine and the X-Men Vol.1 (2011) -OMNI- Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron Omnibus


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