The witcher: Curse of Crows (2016)
5. Issue #5
Une BD de
Paul Tobin
Kowalski, Piotr
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2017
Tobin, Paul
Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz, Borys
Stachyra, Karolina
Curritt, Travis
Kowalski, Piotr
Simpson, Brad
Przybyś, Grzesiek
Sapkowski, Andrzej
(Adapté de)
03/2017 (22 mars 2017) 24 pages Format comics 484276
Geralt's past has come back to haunt him—literally. When he and Ciri come face-to-face with a figure from the past, they finally get some answers about the striga that has been ravaging the streets of Novigrad.