The witcher: Curse of Crows (2016)
2. Issue #2
Une BD de
Paul Tobin
Kowalski, Piotr
chez Dark Horse Comics
- 2016
Tobin, Paul
Pugacz-Muraszkiewicz, Borys
Stachyra, Karolina
Curritt, Travis
Kowalski, Piotr
Simpson, Brad
Przybyś, Grzesiek
Sapkowski, Andrzej
(Adapté de)
10/2016 (05 octobre 2016) 24 pages Format comics 484272
Witchers Geralt and Ciri have heard whispers about a striga on the road to Novigrad. Geralt is one of few men who have faced one of these werewolf-like creatures and lived to tell the tale. Is this his past come back to haunt him?