Winter Guard (2021)
1. Issue #1
Une BD de
Ryan Cady
Bazaldúa, Jan
chez Marvel
- 2021
Cady, Ryan
Bazaldúa, Jan
Morissette-Phan, Djibril
Blee, Federico
Bazaldúa, Jan
Maher, Ariana
Infante, Toni
08/2021 32 pages Format comics 440347
Russia is cleaning house! And when the Red Guardian starts hunting down state secrets, he puts himself right back in his home country's crosshairs - dragging the White Widow along with him. But the motherland has new heroes now...and not even the Red Room could have prepared Alexei and Yelena for the Winter Guard's retribution. Bold twists and bombastic action abound as Jason Aaron's Winter Guard tracks down two of Russia's dirtiest secrets! Don't miss the chills and thrills of Ryan Cady and Jan Bazaldua's new epic thriller!