Wildstorm Spotlight (1997)
1. Majestic - The Big Chill
Une BD de
Alan Moore
Carlos D'Anda
chez Image Comics
- 1997
Moore, Alan
D'Anda, Carlos
Oliff, Steve
Friend, Richard
Heisler, Mike
D'Anda, Carlos
Friend, Richard
02/1997 (01 février 1997) 24 pages Format comics 323166
And incredible old Mr. Majestic find himself the leader of group of last survivor of the universe simply known as The Last Ones. While they travel the cosmos in search for something they find that most of the universe is empty and dying with them at last they find Spartan who has evolved into a machine-god and together with Mr. Majestic they reform the universe upon seen 'let there be light'.