Wildstorm Armageddon (2008)
INT. Armageddon
Une BD de
Gage, Christos
Simon Coleby
chez DC Comics
- 2008
Gage, Christos
Coleby, Simon
Domingues, Horacio
Fernández, Leandro
Caldwell, Talent
Badeaux, Brandon
Googe, Neil
Meyers, Jonboy
Rench, Jonny
Strachan, Carrie
Pantazis, Pete
Washington, Tony
Mayor, Randy
Domingues, Horacio
Washington, Tony
Caldwell, Talent
Coleby, Simon
Badeaux, Brandon
Googe, Neil
Davis, Dan
Paronzini, Francisco
Wands, Steve
Lanham, Travis
Mayor, Randy
McKone, Mike
04/2008 132 pages 9781401217037 Format comics 103855
In the WIldstorm: Armageddon special, different characters were visited by Void from a close future, where the world had suffered a global disaster. Every character traveled to that nightmarish future and after being returned, he or she would take measures to prevent that future. But would be that decitions the right ones or would be the ones which would lead the world towards that disaster?