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Couverture de What If ? vol.2 (1989) -22- What if... the Silver Surfer Had Not Escaped Earth?
©Marvel Comics 1991 Marz/Lim
Parution en 02/1991. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 17/05/2010 (Dernière modification le 11/12/2014 à 17:35) par Edhral

What If ? vol.2 (1989)

22. What if... the Silver Surfer Had Not Escaped Earth?

Une BD de et Ron Lim chez Marvel Comics - 1991
Marz, Ron (Scénario) Lim, Ron (Dessin) Vincent, Tom (Couleurs)

02/1991 22 pages Format comics 110312

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Notez l'album (0 vote)

  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -1- What if... the Avengers had lost the evolutionary war?

    Tome 1
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -2- What If... Daredevil Had Killed The Kingpin?

    Tome 2
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -3- What if... Steve Rogers had refused to give up being Captain America ?

    Tome 3
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -5- What if... Wonder Man had not died? / What if... the Vision had destroyed the Avengers?

    Tome 5
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -6- What if... the x-men had lost inferno?

    Tome 6
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -10- What if... the punisher's family had not been killed?

    Tome 10
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -12- What If... The X-Men Had Stayed In Asgard?

    Tome 12
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -13- What if... professor x had become the juggernaut?

    Tome 13
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -15- What if... the fantastic four had lost the trial of galactus??

    Tome 15
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -17- Kraven the hunter had killed spider-man

    Tome 17
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -18- The fantastic four battled doctor doom before they got their powers

    Tome 18
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -22- What if... the Silver Surfer Had Not Escaped Earth?

    Tome 22
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -27- What if the sub-mariner had joined the fantastic four?

    Tome 27
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -30- What if... the fantastic four's second child had lived?

    Tome 30
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -35- What if... the fantastic four fought doctor doom & annihilus?

    Tome 35
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -36- The cosmic avengers battled the guardians of the galaxy

    Tome 36
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -41- What if... the avengers had fought galactus?

    Tome 41
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -48- What if... daredevil had saved nuke?

    Tome 48
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -50- What if Hulk Killed Wolverine ?

    Tome 50
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -51- What if... the punisher became captain america?

    Tome 51
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -52- What if... doom became sorcerer supreme?

    Tome 52
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -54- What if... death's head one had lived?

    Tome 54
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -55- What if... the avengers lost operation galactic storm?

    Tome 55
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -56- What if... the avengers lost operation galactic storm?

    Tome 56
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -57- What if... the punisher became an agent of shield?

    Tome 57
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -61- What if... spider-man's parents destroyed his family?

    Tome 61
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -63- What if... War Machine Had Not Destroyed the Living Laser?

    Tome 63
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -64- What if... iron man sold out?

    Tome 64
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -65- What if... archangel fell from grace?

    Tome 65
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -66- What if... rogue possessed the power of thor?

    Tome 66
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -67- What if... captain america were revived today?

    Tome 67
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -69- What if... stryfe killed the x-men?

    Tome 69
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -71- What if... the Gamma Bomb Spawned a Thousand Hulks?

    Tome 71
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -72- What if... spider-man became a murderer?

    Tome 72
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -73- What if... the kingpin owned daredevil?

    Tome 73
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -74- What if... mr. sinister formed the x-men ?

    Tome 74
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -75- What if... blink had not died?

    Tome 75
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -76- What if... peter parker had to destroy spider-man?

    Tome 76
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -77- What if... Legion had killed magneto ?

    Tome 77
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -79- What if... Storm had the power of Phoenix?

    Tome 79
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -81- What if... The age of apocalypse had not ended ?

    Tome 81
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -84- What if... Shard had lived instead of bishop ?

    Tome 84
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -85- What if... Magneto ruled all mutants ?

    Tome 85
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -87- What if... Sabretooth : cat and mouse

    Tome 87
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -90- Cyclops & havok : int he shadows

    Tome 90
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -92- I'll be your best friend

    Tome 92
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -93- Wolverine : ferus

    Tome 93
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -94- Juggernaut : wanderings

    Tome 94
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -95- Ghost rider : broken soul

    Tome 95
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -96- Quick-silver : they grow up so wuickly

    Tome 96
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -98- Rogue : seeds of yesterday

    Tome 98
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -110- Uncanny x-men : family ties

    Tome 110
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -114- Secret wars : brave new world

    Tome 114
  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) --1- Bishop : the traitor


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Toutes les éditions de cet album

  • What If ? vol.2 (1989) -22- What if... the Silver Surfer Had Not Escaped Earth? ©Marvel Comics 1991 Marz/Lim

    22 . What if... the Silver Surfer Had Not Escaped Earth?

    • 110312
    • Marz, Ron
    • Lim, Ron
    • Vincent, Tom
    • 02/1991
    • non coté
    • Marvel Comics
    • Format comics
    • 22
    • 17/05/2010 (modifié le 11/12/2014 17:35)