Warlord of Mars : Dejah Thoris (2011)
INT03. The Boora Witch
Une BD de
Robert Place Napton
Rafael, Carlos
chez Dynamite Entertainment
- 2013
Napton, Robert Place
Rafael, Carlos
Fiorito, Marcio
Lopez, Carlos
Renaud, Paul
01/2013 (13 février 2013) 128 pages 9781606903766 Format comics 214753
The Great Toonolian Marshes - one of the most feared places in Barsoom with 1800 miles of marsh land infested with exotic and dangerous creatures. Dejah Thoris, along with her new pilot Kantos Kan, ventures into this foreboding region on an expeditionary mission to find desperately needed minerals. While exploring, Dejah is possessed by "The Boora Witch," an ancient, demonic creature. Unknown to anyone, The Witch takes control of Dejah and starts spinning a web that could destroy Helium once and for all! Dejah has overcome many enemies, but can... Lire la suite