W0rldtr33 (2023)
3. Issue #3
Une BD de
James Tynion IV
Blanco, Fernando
chez Image Comics
- 2023
Tynion IV, James
Blanco, Fernando
Bellaire, Jordie
Blanco, Fernando
Bidikar, Aditya
Blanco, Fernando
06/2023 (28 juin 2023) 24 pages Format comics 477340
W0RLDTR33 holds the key to understanding why Ellison Lane's kid brother carried out such an unimaginable atrocity...but it may already be too late to stop the Undernet from destroying someone else Ellison loves. The next horror must-read from multiple Eisner Award-winning writer JAMES TYNION IV (THE DEPARTMENT OF TRUTH) and FERNANDO BLANCO (Detective Comics) continues!