W0rldtr33 (2023)
INT01. :// terminal
Une BD de
James Tynion IV
Blanco, Fernando
chez Image Comics
- 2023
Tynion IV, James
Blanco, Fernando
Bellaire, Jordie
Blanco, Fernando
Blanco, Fernando
Otsmane-Elhaou, Hassan
Bidikar, Aditya
Blanco, Fernando
Bellaire, Jordie
10/2023 (08 novembre 2023) 168 pages 9781534398658 Format comics 497065
In 1999, Gabriel and his friends discovered the Undernet—a secret architecture to the internet. They charted their exploration on a message board called W0RLDTR33. Then they lost control. Someone broke into W0RLDTR33–someone who welcomed the violent hold the Undernet had on them. At great personal cost, Gabriel and the others thought they sealed the Undernet away for good. They were wrong. And now the whole world will know the meaning of PH34R