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  • Se souvenir de moi
J'ai oublié mon mot de passe
Couverture de The unwritten (2009) -INT06- Tommy Taylor and the War of Words
©DC Comics 2012 Carey/Gross
Parution le 23/10/2012. Vous pouvez commander l'album chez nos partenaires suivants : Acheter sur Amazon Acheter à la FNAC Acheter sur Rakuten
Album créé dans la bedetheque le 01/11/2012 (Dernière modification le 25/11/2015 à 18:17) par tchouckitchouck

The unwritten (2009)

INT06. Tommy Taylor and the War of Words

Une BD de et Peter Gross chez DC Comics (Vertigo) - 2012

09/2012 (23 octobre 2012) 218 pages 9781401235604 Format comics 175313

Tom Taylor's life was screwed from day one. His father created the Tommy Taylor fantasy series, boy-wizard novels with popularity on par with Harry Potter. The problem is Dad modeled the fictional epic so closely to Tom's real life that fans are constantly comparing him to his counterpart, turning him into the lamest variety of Z-level celebrity. In the final novel, it's even implied that the fictional Tommy will crossover into the real world, giving delusional fans more excuses to harass Tom. When an enormous scandal reveals that Tom might really... Lire la suite

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Note: 4.0/5 (1 vote)

  • The unwritten (2009) -1- Tommy Taylor and the bogus identity

    Tome 1
  • The unwritten (2009) -2- Tommy Taylor and the bogus identity

    Tome 2
  • The unwritten (2009) -3- Tommy Taylor and the bogus identity

    Tome 3
  • The unwritten (2009) -4- Tommy Taylor and the bogus identity

    Tome 4
  • The unwritten (2009) -5- How the whale became

    Tome 5
  • The unwritten (2009) -6- Inside man

    Tome 6
  • The unwritten (2009) -7- The song of Roland

    Tome 7
  • The unwritten (2009) -8- Inside man (Interlude)

    Tome 8
  • The unwritten (2009) -9- Inside man, conclusion

    Tome 9
  • The unwritten (2009) -10- The liar

    Tome 10
  • The unwritten (2009) -11- The canker

    Tome 11
  • The unwritten (2009) -12- Eliza Mae Hertford's willowbank tales

    Tome 12
  • The unwritten (2009) -13- Dead man's knock: monsters

    Tome 13
  • The unwritten (2009) -14- Dead man's knock : atrocities

    Tome 14
  • The unwritten (2009) -15- Bloodlettings

    Tome 15
  • The unwritten (2009) -16- Conversations

    Tome 16
  • The unwritten (2009) -17- The many lives of Lizzie Hexam

    Tome 17
  • The unwritten (2009) -18- Mix

    Tome 18
  • The unwritten (2009) -19- Leviathan

    Tome 19
  • The unwritten (2009) -20- Leviathan

    Tome 20
  • The unwritten (2009) -21- Leviathan

    Tome 21
  • The unwritten (2009) -22- Leviathan 4

    Tome 22
  • The unwritten (2009) -23- Leviathan 5

    Tome 23
  • The unwritten (2009) -24- Stairway to heaven

    Tome 24
  • The unwritten (2009) -25- Citizen Taylor 1

    Tome 25
  • The unwritten (2009) -26- Citizen Taylor 2

    Tome 26
  • The unwritten (2009) -27- On to genesis 1

    Tome 27
  • The unwritten (2009) -28- On to genesis 2

    Tome 28
  • The unwritten (2009) -29- On to genesis 3

    Tome 29
  • The unwritten (2009) -30- On to genesis 4

    Tome 30
  • The unwritten (2009) -31- Tommy Taylor and the War of Words, Part One

    Tome 31
  • The unwritten (2009) -315- Men Of Letters

    Tome 31
  • The unwritten (2009) -32- Tommy Taylor and the War of Words, Part Two

    Tome 32
  • The unwritten (2009) -325- Set in Stone

    Tome 32
  • The unwritten (2009) -GN- Tommy Taylor and the Ship That Sank Twice

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT01- Tommy Taylor and the bogus identity

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT02- Inside man

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT03- Dead man's knock

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT04- Leviathan

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT05- On to genesis

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT06- Tommy Taylor and the War of Words

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT07- The Wound

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT08- Orpheus in the Underworld

  • The unwritten (2009) -INT09- The Unwritten Fables


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