Uncanny X-Men Vol.3 (2013)
INT02. Broken
Une BD de
Brian Michael Bendis
Bachalo, Chris
chez Marvel Comics
- 2013
Bendis, Brian Michael
Bachalo, Chris
Irving, Frazer
Bachalo, Chris
Townsend, Tim
Caramagna, Joe
10/2013 (20 novembre 2013) 136 pages 9780785167853 Format comics 217184
The all-new, all-revolutionary Uncanny X-Men have barely had time to find their footing as a team before they must face that evil sorcerer from the Dark Dimension: Dormammu! Don't miss this new take on Doctor Strange's old foe that will leave you shocked! Then, discover the secrets that Magik has been hiding since the Phoenix Force left her in Avengers Vs. X-Men! Blockbuster creators Brian Michael Bendis and Frazer Irving continue to revamp the entire X-Men concept!
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