Un/sacred Vol.2 (Ablaze - 2020)
5. Issue #5
Une BD de
Mirka Andolfo
Pocetta, Elisa
chez Ablaze
- 2021
Andolfo, Mirka
Goy, David
Pocetta, Elisa
Pocetta, Elisa
Arancia Studio
Amelia, Fabio
Andolfo, Mirka
Orlando, Steve
03/2021 (31 mars 2021) 32 pages Format comics 426229
In Un/Sacred Vol 2, Mirka and her special guests invite you once again into the world of Angelina and Damiao…and their daughter Eden! In issue 5, “Deliver Us From Evil,” Eden is all grown up, and starting to date! But her choice of boyfriend, Severino—the spoiled brat who taunted Damiano growing up all his life—is something that Damiano is finding VERY hard to swallow, as a protective father.