Ultraforce (Malibu comics - 1994)
0. UltraMadness
Une BD de
Gerard Jones
George Pérez
chez Malibu Comics
- 1994
Jones, Gerard
Pérez, George
Divar, Tim
Vey, Al
Owsley, Patrick
09/1994 22 pages Format comics 405444
Prime, Hardcase and Prototype begin assembling the UltraForce team to defend themselves against the coming onslaught of Atalon and to combat the public's growing fear of ultras. Seeing himself as a savior and hero, Prime calls upon all other ultras to join him in forming a group that would be the "watchmen" of all ultras. But Prime's really only a kid. Hardcase never wants to be part of another team again after what happened to the Squad.